Sidetrack Space: Build Off Highlights and Chat.

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I was going to sit out this year, but after the 9th hour of boredom of my first 10 hour day at work this summer an idea was hatched, and I decided to “buy the t-shirt”

I know you’re normally not supposed to post your own stuff in the highlight thread, but this year this seems like where the general discussion is taking place too, so I’ll post a link and leave it at that.‘mericruiser.111177/
It’s supposed to be a simple bomber build, but my mind is already going in a bunch of different directions so it’ll probably consume my life before too long. Time will tell...
I was going to sit out this year, but after the 9th hour of boredom of my first 10 hour day at work this summer an idea was hatched, and I decided to “buy the t-shirt”

I know you’re normally not supposed to post your own stuff in the highlight thread, but this year this seems like where the general discussion is taking place too, so I’ll post a link and leave it at that.‘mericruiser.111177/
It’s supposed to be a simple bomber build, but my mind is already going in a bunch of different directions so it’ll probably consume my life before too long. Time will tell...

Glad your joining in on the fun! :grin::D:21::rofl::giggle:

I know you’re normally not supposed to post your own stuff in the highlight thread
Hmmm, Mr... Toeslider, is it? That definitely isn't the usual way to apply."
Checks resume...
"Holy moly, Stratos? Thick As a Brick?!
You have permission to use the Sidetrack Space as your build thread, sir!"

Lol welcome, was hoping you'd show.
Hmmm, Mr... Toeslider, is it? That definitely isn't the usual way to apply."
Checks resume...
"Holy moly, Stratos? Thick As a Brick?!
You have permission to use the Sidetrack Space as your build thread, sir!"

Lol welcome, was hoping you'd show.

LOL, thanks for permission, but this will probably be the last time you see me "tooting my own horn" outside of my build thread.

Years ago I think I may have been the one who started the trend of a "highlight thread", and I made one "rule" - that you couldn't post your own stuff in it. It wasn't really a rule that was enforced or anything, more of just a courtesy thing, and pretty much everybody has adhered to it since then. I feel like I'm breaking my own rule, but typically we also had another thread for "chat" but I don't see that this year.
LOL, thanks for permission, but this will probably be the last time you see me "tooting my own horn" outside of my build thread.

Years ago I think I may have been the one who started the trend of a "highlight thread", and I made one "rule" - that you couldn't post your own stuff in it. It wasn't really a rule that was enforced or anything, more of just a courtesy thing, and pretty much everybody has adhered to it since then. I feel like I'm breaking my own rule, but typically we also had another thread for "chat" but I don't see that this year.

I was just razzing you. As you mention, in all of the past BO Highlight threads, the one rule was you couldn't post your own stuff. Build on and have fun. TOOT TOOT :D
I got a kick out of seeing this age-old e-debate pop up.

Strands? They are everywhere and always fun on a bicycle.

Pacific Palisades to Torrance Beach is what I associate mostly with since it's my native land. A bunch of time was spent there in my early years, especially when my brother was stationed on the USCGC Point Bridge in Marina Del Rey. On my last stint out there it was a frequent destination on everything that pedals, except for the mountain bikes. It's definitely the Grandaddy of Left Coast Strands.
After living in Southeastern North Carolina for around ten years collectively, The Grand Strand was visited quite a few times. The bicycle culture is obviously strong there, though I only rode around in Myrtle Beach once on a rental cruiser in the early 80's. It reminded me of the North Orange County section of the Newport Beach Strand where it leaves the beach between the Santa Ana River and 36th Street, cutting through the neighborhoods on Seashore Drive. A lively environment, especially during the Summer when all of the rentals are filled with families and party culture. IMO, The Grand Strand is *The* Grandaddy, especially by name.
Yes, Strands are great.
To me, regardless of which Strand you're riding, it was Cali builders maxing the rad cruisers. Cooks, Laguna, Bassett, Champion etc. That to me is why the Cali Strand is the Strandie Strand. But I am from Canada, so take that as you wish.
To me, regardless of which Strand you're riding, it was Cali builders maxing the rad cruisers. Cooks, Laguna, Bassett, Champion etc. That to me is why the Cali Strand is the Strandie Strand. But I am from Canada, so take that as you wish.

Is there like a Newfoundland strand? :rofl:
To me, regardless of which Strand you're riding, it was Cali builders maxing the rad cruisers. Cooks, Laguna, Bassett, Champion etc. That to me is why the Cali Strand is the Strandie Strand. But I am from Canada, so take that as you wish.
FYI, many Native Californians from my generation find the use of "Cali" quite ridiculous.

I don't care one way or the other. Just Sayin'
When I left CO to go back in 2005, a friend made me a mix-disc (which I still have) and that was the first song on it.

The ladies love cool James Todd Smith from Queens, NY.

she said she likes the ocean

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