Got the front bit done today of the fairing done today, Toyed around with some scrap bits laying around for the detailing of it.. The upper hole is for the ram air intake, the slit on the other side is to cool the exhaust and the little thingy has no purpose yet, a light maybe?
And "ramair" you might ask yourself? Its about the concept and idea of a drag bike.. i understand that theres no real need for things like that on a 66cc two stroker..

Might as well add that im getting a nitrokit to..
(Sorry about the semi blurry pic, rush job!)
Right now it looks like a grinning pirate, dont really like pirates.. i think that pushing the air intake in a bit makes it look less like a eye..
And yeah Tankenstein, it would be really cool with a huge chainring that sort of overlapped the rear wheel..
Hopefully i'm getting some work done on the fork and seat tomorrow!