Bingo, this stem will work under the triple tree fork to keep cool. It will lower bar couple inches too. I'm thinking about experiment it

kingfish254 said:Full chrome in my opinion.
Love the "Dude Wagon"
freddyfingaz said:I'm glad he's happy. I seem can't find one without welded C sleeve. Ugh
kingfish254 said:freddyfingaz said:I'm glad he's happy. I seem can't find one without welded C sleeve. Ugh
I want to put one of those on a Schwinn Pixie that I have and throw some monster apes on it too.
freddyfingaz said:kingfish254 said:freddyfingaz said:I'm glad he's happy. I seem can't find one without welded C sleeve. Ugh
I want to put one of those on a Schwinn Pixie that I have and throw some monster apes on it too.
Underground stem?
freddyfingaz said:Shoot! Lol
It's gonna look sick on little frame!
kingfish254 said:freddyfingaz said:Shoot! Lol
It's gonna look sick on little frame!
Something like that