Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

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Who's bike do you like?

  • Paul Jr.

    Votes: 12 17.6%
  • Paul Sr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gas Monkey

    Votes: 47 69.1%
  • Jesse James

    Votes: 9 13.2%

  • Total voters
cman said:
Something must be the matter with my TV.....I keep losing audio. :roll: :roll:
I noticed the cut outs also but decided they were editing out the profanity comments.
Like the Gas Monkey bike also. Junior's has some cool details but seems to stretched out.
I like the gasmonkey build. Partially because the bike they started with, well to put it into perspective I'm conserned whether they clubbed my neighbor in the head and took it from his garage :wink: .

Some cool parts here.
The last one "black widow" might be cool with different wheels, some 20x3's, move the crank forward,
make a 3d tank instead of a plate, and loose the reflectors and chain guard.
i could gripe about this show but that mite imply that i cared :p
the only thing that made me smile was the bass player from skynyrd was rockin' a MOTORHEAD patch 8)
kingfish254 said:
Then it will become a true "chopper" because we will all chop it up into pieces for cool bikes.

That's right....because when it comes to bikes, this is where cool begins. Felt, Electra and all the rest just follow our lead.
I thought Erik Buell pulled of that harley sport bike thing allready?? Jesse seemed to forget that. I'm a Jesse fan but it was hard to see his bike past his big old head! I really like the fast and loud show, it's pretty cool and I personally like thier bike about the best but didn't expect it to even place. I've never been a Jr Sr fan but I almost liked both bikes except that front end on Sr's seemed to clash with the sportbike look. The show had my attention and I was entertained. Staged or not?? (staged)
I like Gas Monkey's the best because that's the bike I'd build. Jr's pipes and grill are cool. Sr's and Jesse's remind me of the old Confederate cycles bikes. Anyone remember them?
Now that you mentioned it yes, Sr's bike does look like a confederate motorcycle. There was a company in Caro mi (apc?) that built similiar bikes, a muscle sport bike. Jesse's bike was probably pretty sweet but he was too busy trash talking to show it. Jr's bike looked like a Hot Wheel or something, I don't care for Jr's taste but I thought it was allright. Must be the subliminal 40's hot rod in it.