Sr., Jr., Jesse James, Gas Monkey biker build off

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Who's bike do you like?

  • Paul Jr.

    Votes: 12 17.6%
  • Paul Sr.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gas Monkey

    Votes: 47 69.1%
  • Jesse James

    Votes: 9 13.2%

  • Total voters
Peatbog said:
Last night's show was stupid. But it was a perfect example of why the OCC show is going off the air. It used to be a show about motorcycle building, but now it is just a soap opera.

This tends to be a trend with these types of shows. I used to like American Restoration when they would show how they do things, but anymore it seems like they get a project and you don't see it again until it is done. Now they are focusing on people more and it is becoming more of a people show than a restoration show.

EXACTLY. I took it off my DVR list because I wasn't seeing the restores anymore.
After watching the show, I gained a bit more respect for what OCC did, but they too missed the deadline. And when you have a staff as large as OCC, you shouldn't have to miss deadlines.
PJD did a cool bike, but I can see where it was a big of a pig. I agree, Paul Jr. is a designer first...too bad Rick stayed with OCC, he would have been a huge asset for PJD.
Jesse has had his head the clouds since he hit the scene years ago with Monster Garage and West Coast Choppers. He's got great ideas, but really believes the things he says about himself. The guy needs to just settle down and build bikes.
I think he sees himself as a Rock Star type.
The Gas Monkey "guy" did a great job on the bike. I also did not see the money man lift a finger. Great Old School look, but I'd just have a problem riding a pink bike.....
But that's just my opinion...I could be wrong.
I'm glad I have DVR, cuz I had to keep fast forwarding over Jesse. I could not take another minute of his verbal diarrhea. Man dude, get over yourself.

I was surprised my wife cared enough about the show to say she was disappointed the Gas Monkey bike didn't win.
Am I the only one that noticed? I don't think JJ's bike was finished. The motor was running, but he seemed to "push" or kick it like a scooter to get it rolling. I got the impression that it was in neutral, or there was no working transmission.
NewOrleansFlyer said:
I also did not see the money man lift a finger.
He never does, In about every episode he says I'm gonna go drink beer and let you guys work. All he does is find the cars to work on, foot the bill, and drink beer. He (Richard Rawlings) IS a hot rodder though, and holds the record for the cannonball run, a race from New York to Los Angeles (31 hours and 59 minutes).
Well, FWIW. You really did not get to see a lot of building in the first two hour episode. It is hard for me to appreciate and vote for the work that went into a bike, when I did not see it being built, so consequently had to choose based on the final product. I picked GMG bike as that is the one i would ride regardless of color. Some things I noticed about the GMG bike are the lack of controls on the handle bars, all the hidden cables, the wire wheels and old school bias-ply Firestone tires, nimble handling during the riding shots. The longer you look at it the more you notice is there and what is not there. The one thing I would have done is add some small graphic or number to the tank.

AND here is an interesting observation RE the deadline. Sr says that Jessie did not make the deadline because he was working on Sr's car, which was in another episode of Outlaw: Jesse James. Seems that the two of them have resolved any differences thay may have had in the past and agreed to , dare I say, have a Build off against each other-HD Superbike v HD Superbike? They probably did not care who won the whole thing but wanted to see what the other came up with as far as that theme. WTH, Discovery channel paid for the whole thing anyway!

someone finnally spanked that arogent disfunctional jesse james and they did it in person,if anyone knew the real jesse james they wouldnt like him,and the episode where the old man told vinney that he made mim,was he other way around,and it was a chopper build off not a crotch roket buildoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Vinnie and Cody were on local radio show her in Orlando (to talk about his new company) a few years ago, after they left OCC. Vinnie was the biggest jerk on the show, even the host's of the show were busting on him. They had to wake him up in the green room for his interview then he dozed off while Cody was talking. He hated Sr. and Jr. he said he made them what they were and would take them down with his new company! He was so arrogant, he was name dropping and talking about offers for a new show! "as soon as we finish our first bike" They cut him short on the segments and sent him on his way. Then continue to bust on what a jerk he was. What a train wreck! :roll:
I agree, I ran into Vinnie in Daytona around 03 or 04, right when it started getting real big for OCC, he was on a moped and I egged him on to pull a wheelie, I rode next to him and I'm not kidding he rode it from light to light, a city block or two, when we hit the next light I said "Man that was awesome!" Then I said"I'll trade you straight up!" , referencing to my bike for his moped, he looked at me and my bike and gave me a response you would expect from a 14 year old girl, a "I don't think so" he said as he looked at my bike like it was a pos! Wow, some things stick with you forever.
Here's a pic of my bike.
I enjoy watching GMG be for Richard to run his mouth the way he does it a bit comical. He's the guy that is great a running is mouth but does not work.

Of all those bike I like the GMG the most but being an engineer I had to vote for Jesse. Jesse built he majority of his bike by hand i have a lot of respect for that. He may not be portrayed as the nicest person in the world but he get my respect in regards to his ability build stuff.

The GMG bike was a garage build in my eyes with a nice paint job.
tho the black and red seems over done Im a car guy before bikes so I liked Jrs bike. And am I the only one that thought jesse's bike looked like a blinged out dirt bike with street tires
It's kind of funny that there are so many pages of chatter about these soap operas between this thread and the recent ones on Storage Wars and such. We sound like a bunch of old bitties talking about their "stories". Fun stuff. :p

Just an observation. I watch the same shows, but the only reality to any of this is that these are nothing but characters created from the same molds used by Vince McMahon , Days of Our Lives, or MTVs Real World.
Peatbog said:
Yep, and one has to wonder how much of the editing of the show is done just to create controversy. I am sure they could have edited together enough footage of what Jesse said, for instance, to make it appear that he liked the other guys.

It is all rather silly.

That's why I limit my TV to a few hours a week and then it is either Premier League soccer, F1 Racing and hockey (when they aren't in a lock out).

I hate reality shows...I mean I can actually feel my brain cells dying as I am watching. :|
Thats funny, I watch 2 of the same 3. Hockey and the EPL or FA Cup on FSC. I have the whole Hockey package this year and can only see reruns of past years!@ BAH

Terry66 said:
Peatbog said:
Yep, and one has to wonder how much of the editing of the show is done just to create controversy. I am sure they could have edited together enough footage of what Jesse said, for instance, to make it appear that he liked the other guys.

It is all rather silly.

That's why I limit my TV to a few hours a week and then it is either Premier League soccer, F1 Racing and hockey (when they aren't in a lock out).

I hate reality shows...I mean I can actually feel my brain cells dying as I am watching. :|
Terry66 said:
I hate reality shows...I mean I can actually feel my brain cells dying as I am watching. :|
Yeah. Can't beat cartoons,the military channel and T.C.M.'s silent Sundays!
As for the rest....


How did they judge it?