UNLIMITED Stacey’s Mom aka the Tall-Goose

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I thought about keeping the purple on the frame but it was just too old and beat up. I like the red quite a bit better. I ran out of paint so it’s a little thin in places but it’s still going to be a fun ride.
I like red and silver leftovers.
My wife would kill me if I painted so close to the house. She'd be all, "Watch the overspray!"
"Oh! The kids' lungs!" "You're destroying the environment!" "The thought police are going
to arrest you!" And I'm like Drew Carey. Screw the grandkids, I'm cold now! This bike is doing
the trick because IT'S HOT!! :whew:

Drew Carey is a very funny guy. 😁 I like to paint under the deck so I don’t risk getting overspray on the cars. And it’s perfectly healthy, it only causes cancer in California. Wait…
I got some lower poundage struts, 100lb vs the 120lb I had on there, and still not able to compress them all the way down to chopper mode. I searched for how to make an adjustable rocker mount but google only turned up hot rod engine rockers. Very cool, but not what I need here. Can any of you engineering oriented guys point me in the right direction? I'd really like it to function as intended.
I can't help you with the engineering questions, but I can say you were 'strutting your stuff' riding up high! Kudos to you for even trying that feat! I pretty much always keep my 'feats' on the ground these days. :21:
I don't know man. It's cool and all, but no chopper mode and the banditos
are gonna get ya! :cool: :thumbsup: :cool: :thumbsup: :cool: You know, it's times like these,
when we literally sit atop our creations and look out and down and wonder...
is this going to work? Have I thought of everything? F it. Here we go! Those
few photos of the inventor and his machine are priceless. First ride. No fall?
SWEET. :praise: Chopper mode, coming up.