I'll go through my thought process on this one a little...
I've been wanting to start some other bike focused site for a while now, but I wasn't quite sure which direction to take it. I have a love for several genres of vintage bikes so I wanted to start a site that had a little different angle from Rat Rods.
Obviously being born in 1971 puts me square in the vintage BMX and muscle bike era. I'm also intrigued with the early transition from muscle bikes to BMX. Something about those really early days when kids were being forced to modify what they had to make things work is very exciting to me. I guess you could say that there's still a bit of a rat rodder spirit involved in this...that's probably what I love about it.
I don't want to pigeon hole this project into the vintage BMX category, but I will say that it will probably be heavy into the 60s-80s kids bikes genre and everything that went into those days of riding.
I want it to be creative, fun and to invoke those fond memories we have of riding bikes as kids.
I will keep everyone posted on the progress of the project. :wink: