Tell us what ticks you off..

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People that feel it's all right to try things on or pull things off the shelves of retail stores and then just leave the stuff lying around as if it's beneath them to put things back.
People that ignore the announcement and continue to shop long after the store's closing time.
Working in retail where people like this shop.
The thought of two men being jailed for up to 6 months with fines for PRAYING at an after hours school dinner. WAY to go A.C.L.U. .
This ticks me off so bad I have a headache. Lock me up now because I am not going to stop!!!! :x :x :x :x
skyrider said:
The thought of two men being jailed for up to 6 months with fines for PRAYING at an after hours school dinner. WAY to go A.C.L.U. .
This ticks me off so bad I have a headache. Lock me up now because I am not going to stop!!!! :x :x :x :x
Now that Ticks me off...What is this world coming to.. :x
jaydub said:
skyrider said:
The thought of two men being jailed for up to 6 months with fines for PRAYING at an after hours school dinner. WAY to go A.C.L.U. .
This ticks me off so bad I have a headache. Lock me up now because I am not going to stop!!!! :x :x :x :x
Now that Ticks me off...What is this world coming to.. :x
As far as I'm concerned, that's prohibition of the free exercise of religion, a treasonous criminal act perpetrated by the court.
Well, there's a bit more to the story. They're not facing charges because they led a prayer session, it's for violating a federal court order. The ACLU did not bring about these charges, they were brought on by U.S. District Judge Casey Rodgers, after the court order was violated 9 days after issuance. Besides, they're facing a non-jury hearing, which they will most likely receive no jail, and probably nothing more than another court order.
ACLU Sued the school in 2008 which led to the "contempt". Either way I know the the wonderful people at the aclu will in fact have to meet there maker eventually and we will let him decide how hot there eternity will be.
Yep, the fun did just leave the building.

But at the risk of stirring the pot, I do have to say one thing that ticks me off is people who use religion to control other people. And if they can't be controlled, they are marginalized and dehumanized by the gang in charge of the pulpit. I've seen it first hand, and it's ugly.

As for the ACLU thing: My understanding is the U.S. public school system is secular, thus it's not to be an extension of any religious institution (First Amendment and all that). Would anyone here would be rushing to the teachers defense if the teachers were using their positions within the school to preach Islam, Wiccan, Hindu etc?

I hate when People from Craig's List make an appointment to come see an item that you have for sale and then don't show up..
Nothing but wasted time..

Then on the other hand I have sold stuff to a lot of real nice people ..that I enjoyed meeting them..and who still email me for bikes when they need one..

I even sold a Go-kart to a guy who paid me 1/2 and made payments on it..Hey I took a chance and he paid.. :wink:
Multipass said:
As for the ACLU thing: Would anyone here would be rushing to the teachers defense if the teachers were using their positions within the school to preach Islam, Wiccan, Hindu etc?

Last religion/politics post by me. The aforementioned ACLU DOES defend the preaching of islam in publicly funded institutions. Not to mention atheism, which by definition is religion. Why don't anti-religion people ever acknowledge the ENTIRE first amendment? :? Is it the same as when "the people" in the second amendment is claimed to mean the state? Getting drawn into discussing this subject ticks me off. :x

Manufacturers unnecessarily using non-standardized propriety parts burns me too.
People that never, ever answer their phone. Even more when I am with them later in person and see them get a call and let it go to voicemail. Buy a pager! :roll: :wink:
deorman said:
Not to mention atheism, which by definition is religion.

LOL - Calling atheism a religion is like saying bald is a hair color.

Yes, I am familiar with the entire first amendment of your country.

Just to clarify, my question was not does the ACLU defend the preaching of Islam etc, my question was would you be supporting the teachers facing contempt charges if those teachers had been using their position within the school to preach a theology other than Protestant Christianity? Or to put it another way, would those who loudly denounce the actions of the ACLU, be as vocal if the defendants were not Christian?

This is an honest question. I ask because of the double standards I’ve seen first hand in the church communities where I live.
