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don-vee said:
Hahaha, someone on my motorcycle forum posted that a while back, always made me laugh, like these others...


Wonder where he got the 15' clutch cable?
hotfoot said:
-Apehangers on 26" cruisers.

Doesn't really tick me off, just don't get it!

im 6'6". i need the 26 inch frame, and i like apehangers because i have big ape like arms that drag the floor when i walk.

i do believe in excess though
ej599 said:
Gold Street Customs said:
Arnold The Governator, My wife has direct deposit with her respite job and it didn't get deposited today so she calls and the regional center she works for was told to freeze payroll until further notice.... :x
Did you Californians ever get your tax refunds?
I dont know I am still paying on mine... :cry:
Cash for Klunkers :roll:

The program itself is soo poorly run, and dealers not getting re-imbursed. in fact some dealers opted out because they cant afford to float the money.

But my wife who works in the office has had to work crazy hours to get everything submitted. And that is IF the website is up. :roll:

Good news though.... its over on Monday!! woohooo
Ratfink1962 said:
Cash for Klunkers :roll:

The program itself is soo poorly run, and dealers not getting re-imbursed. in fact some dealers opted out because they cant afford to float the money.

But my wife who works in the office has had to work crazy hours to get everything submitted. And that is IF the website is up. :roll:

Good news though.... its over on Monday!! woohooo
When i first found out about this, i hated the fact that they were wasting good cars. Seeing lots of cars like my piece of crap, It made me upset...most of the cars ran perfectly fine. Some even probably got better gas milage than the new car they were buying.
Just yesterday i found out my friend's dad was allmost cashing in his "Klunker" For some HHR....he didnt get approved or something. He had a MINTY olds 88...

Im happy its going to end
TheFlyingDingo said:
When i first found out about this, i hated the fact that they were wasting good cars. Seeing lots of cars like my piece of crap, It made me upset...most of the cars ran perfectly fine. Some even probably got better gas milage than the new car they were buying.
Just yesterday i found out my friend's dad was allmost cashing in his "Klunker" For some HHR....he didnt get approved or something. He had a MINTY olds 88...

Im happy its going to end

They should have a second program where if you have a clunker that is even more of a clunker than one that was traded in on the program, then you can trade for it even-steven or just a small processing fee to cover dealer's paperwork expenses. That way they'd be getting the worst of the clunkers of the road and folks who are struggling could trade up for a better car. Then when all the crappiest cars have been traded, they could kill those cars instead of all the halfway decent cars they are killing now. Maybe we should suggest this to our congressmen.
The worst part is those folks who had a clunker because they couldn't afford monthly payments. Now they have a 250 or more payment and higher insurance to boot. Many of these cars will be repoed in the next 6 months. Unless there's another plan to bail them out, which will lead to even more problems. The repo tow trucks will be working overtime.

Now they need a car to get around in, but their credit is wrecked and the clunkers have been destroyed. What now?
When the people who run Cars for Clunkers want to also run our health care system...LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
IGNORANT People :roll: , People callin my shwinn a huffy. When ya microwave pizza rolls u always get the one with molten cheeze and ice chipped pepronis inside :lol: , Flat tires on road trips :x , Unwanted flatulence, The dixie chicks (just came on the radio, WHYS EARL SO BAD?) Foamy Beer, Burnt bbq, Confusing girls, People who drive 45 in the fast lane on I-75, Foreign non-english speakers workin the drive thru at mcdonalds, High gas/food prices, Noise violation tickets for badass sounding cars :lol: .. Im done for now.
So we're going rapid-fire now, huh? ok, here we go...talking animals or babies in movies and commercials, kids who think they're punk because their parents buy them $100 tickets to go see Good Charlotte, dudes who drive giant Hummers and swerve around tiny potholes, krappy CGI effects in movies, how every movie nowadays is a lame remake/sequel/adaptation of a comic book, lousy Dish Network and DirecTV customer service agents, little weenie kids who walk around my tiny town and think they're tough thugs from the Bronx or something, that racist klan guy who works at the only concrete place in the area, the useless bike shop in my area being open all day 7 days a week while the good bike shop is only open for a few hours 4 days a week, people who say "Hot enough for ya?", cashiers who put every single item in their own plastic bag at the supermarket even when I have only one item, cashiers who have giant fake nails and can't pick up change off the counter or operate the register properly, parents who think their kids are awesome geniuses when they're clearly inept dullards destined for failure, people at my wedding who started in with that whole, "So, now ya gotta start having kids!" thing, waiters who don't write down your order because they want to show off their amazing memory but bring you everything wrong, yappy little dogs that pee everywhere when they're scared/excited/happy/nervous/angry/sleeping/whenever, I'll think of some more...
My unorganized school. :x :x :x I goto pick up my schedual, senior year WOOT gonna be sweet, I dont have a full schedual, i dont have woodshop, they stuck me in physics AGAIN. I passed that already, they didnt have the locker thing set up 2 pick one, .. AH! >;X
My Mom just had a Knee replacement, before she went in ,we told her she was going to need alot of help.....My mom is getting out of the hospital today and she thinks she is going to drive in two days...try to tell her different and its a major I guess I have to ground her and take her keys away!!

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