Yeah, my front porch is still my workshop! :lol: I'll have to finish what will be the actual workshop bit by bit. I don't have the money to do it all at once... :| This summer I'll get the door in and paint it, and next summer I'll hopefully be able to finish the inside and get electricity in there. We'll see what happens...
Dan Jose: When I was in Stockholm a while ago I looked up at the apartment buildings and said to my friend who was with me "where would I build a bike if I lived here?" But I'm sure there are ways if you set your mind to it!!
A basement somewhere where people won't mind some anglegrinder noice, or ask an auto body shop or bike shop if they have a corner to spare somewhere or some space outside in the back?
Dan Jose: When I was in Stockholm a while ago I looked up at the apartment buildings and said to my friend who was with me "where would I build a bike if I lived here?" But I'm sure there are ways if you set your mind to it!!