The Galtbacken 18

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Yeah, my front porch is still my workshop! :lol: I'll have to finish what will be the actual workshop bit by bit. I don't have the money to do it all at once... :| This summer I'll get the door in and paint it, and next summer I'll hopefully be able to finish the inside and get electricity in there. We'll see what happens...

Dan Jose: When I was in Stockholm a while ago I looked up at the apartment buildings and said to my friend who was with me "where would I build a bike if I lived here?" But I'm sure there are ways if you set your mind to it!! :) A basement somewhere where people won't mind some anglegrinder noice, or ask an auto body shop or bike shop if they have a corner to spare somewhere or some space outside in the back?
Glad to see you got a hold of some holesaws. They look like starret brand, those are nice and I have a few made by them. Just a couple of tips for longevity 1. Dont overheat them. and 2. Dont ever hit a weld with them, it will grind the teeth off in seconds. The bike looks fantastic so far. I love all the little details in your stuff like the reflectors. I am finally on vacation for 2 weeks so I will be in my shop alot. I have 4 bikes I am currently working on so I am excited to get busy.
Galtbacken said:
Yeah, my front porch is still my workshop! :lol: I'll have to finish what will be the actual workshop bit by bit. I don't have the money to do it all at once... :| This summer I'll get the door in and paint it, and next summer I'll hopefully be able to finish the inside and get electricity in there. We'll see what happens...

Dan Jose: When I was in Stockholm a while ago I looked up at the apartment buildings and said to my friend who was with me "where would I build a bike if I lived here?" But I'm sure there are ways if you set your mind to it!! :) A basement somewhere where people won't mind some anglegrinder noice, or ask an auto body shop or bike shop if they have a corner to spare somewhere or some space outside in the back?

Well how I get away with some things is that my bosses whom I"ve been working for for about 5 yrs? :shock: let me build, paint, and grind stuff in parts of the building where they don't care too much for (sometimes), but I always clean up after myself like nothing ever happened. My wife's mom's house has some decent space, but her brother took all the good spots with his sports cars and and motorcycle. All thats left is too clean to drop a screw on. Gotta win the lottery one day so I could by me a mansion bike garage! :mrgreen:
With reguards to your welds, I think you should show them off proudly. Don't cover them up! I'm trying to teach myself MIG welding and it is not easy. Yours are something to aspire to!
Odd thing has been happening to me this days.
With any new "project" I start, first I think how to do it, and then I take my time to try and figure out how The Galtbacken would do it. Of course is impossible to achieve the same level, but is very helpful to get better results. Thanks for keeping inspiring us!
Thank you everyone! :)

stretch said:
looks like your nice bike is getting rusty! your finally getting your feet wet in the gene pool of the RAT! :lol:

Enjoy it while it lasts!! :lol:

TommyTwoTime: I'm happy with it, seems to be good quality! I'll be sure to follow your tips and take good care of it, thanks! :) Glad to hear you've got some time to build too! :)

Dan Jose: Sounds to me like your boss is a nice guy! I'm sure it'll work out for you and you'll find a good place to build your bikes! :)

white_cross, The Heron and mikek: Thank you so much!

Gdcast: Oh man, thanks for the compliment! I'm absolutely positive though that you can learn to make stuff at any level you like with some practice and patience! Don't aim for my level, aim beyond it!! :)
Thank you BoLiles! Don't be too jealous, because I believe you're able to do what I do. If not right away, then with some practise. :)

I'll take a break from building for a little while. Need to rest and recover a little. But I've got this build pretty much all planned out, and when I get back to it I think you're in for a little surprise... :wink:

Take care everyone, see you in a while!
oldschoolgarage said:
well,i really apreciate looking at your work,i hope one day you can come for a visite....

Thank you! I've been checking out your builds and man I'm stunned!!! :shock: You build really beautiful bikes! I too hope that I'll be able to come for a visit some day! I've been to the states a few times but never to California...

Gdcast said:
Take care good friend, we´ll be here waiting. :wink:

Thank you very much buddy!! It's good to know! I've been kind of burning my candle at both ends lately and when I had to get back to work my stomach couldn't handle any more...add a broken heart to it as a bonus! :| I'll just need to take it slow for a while and get my head straight and I'll be good as new!
There I was taking it bored and thought that doing something I enjoy at a pace that's not stressfull might be a good way to recharge my batteries and after a couple of days I got back to this build. :D

I wasn't happy with where this bike was heading (didn't like the look of it), and when I test rode it I didn't like how it felt either, so I took a few deep breaths and reached for the grinder.

Made a new design with some changes to make it comfortable and more elegant looking.

Started building the new frame

Made a different design to the fork as well. Wanted a more slim look.


Mock up

Front brake- and fender bracket. I decided to use another set of wheels than I'd originally planned because they'd need more work than I was prepared to do to make them good.


Rear brake- and fender bracket

Bikestand bracket

Front brake in place

Rear brake in place

Rearlight and fender bracket

Rearbrake cable stop








Side panels


Next thing to do is to finish the chainguard and start making the lights. :)
Glad you are back!! :D
There! You see? Sometimes it´s so much better to stop, re invent, change and start all over. :wink:
I like the bike so much more now, you´re in the right path, keep riding it!!!
Glad !!!!your back, breaking all the standard bike building frame designs, and inspiring us to take a try at creating things that no one else has done. All I need is more time and cooler temps in my garage ( maybe move 20 bikes out of my way)and I will attempt to use my welder....and actually make something. 8)
Thanks guys! :D
Gdcast: Yepp, taking a step back from the build was a good thing! I had this little doubt about were it was going pretty early on when I had done the first mock up. The doubt grew bigger when I realized it didn't get any better as I kept building and although it's not fun to cut something up when you've spent a lot of work on it everything about the bike appeals to me so much more now after I started over! I'll have to trust my instinct more... :)

Gold Street Customs: I'm so glad if I've done something that inspired you to build more and to start using that welder! I say go for it, have a blast!! :D I'll be sure to keep an eye out for your future builds!

stretch: Glad you like the design! :) I'm really happy with this frame and fork, it's doesn't loke as bulky as the first version. Everything seems to look more balanced to me.

I've made some more progress on the bike (finished the chainguard and almost finished the headlight), I'll post pics soon!