Travis: Cool you like it, thanks!

Yes, I made the shell as well. If you look in the build thread for the J.B.40 there's a photo of the templates for this light on the first page. In case you'd like to see what the parts that go in to the shell look like, and maybe get some ideas.
Gdcast: Thanks!

Yepp, I'm going to paint it! It'll be mostly black and then I'll paint parts of it in a bronze colour and add a few accents with an off white colour. Striping and logo will be gold and blue. I'll also use glossy clearcoat on the black parts and some kind of semi flat on the rest, se how that turns out.
dragsterIII: Thanks, glad you like it!

I like how it came out myself, kind of clean and simple but it fits the rest of the bike well. I'll try to remember to take better photo of it, where it shows more if you like...
deorman: Pretty much so... :lol:
Dman: Oh man, thank you! I don't know really how to reply to something like that but it gives me a good feeling to hear that my builds can inspire others to build nice stuff! You build bikes that are full of inspiration yourself!
Done some more work on the fenders:
Fender struts welded.
Made these to go on the inside of the fenders for reinforcement.
Fenders in place!
I'll just need to trim the edges on the fenders and then they're done! Oh, wait a minute...I'll have to make some kind of contraption on the rear fender to hold a red reflector. I see some more cloth and polyester work coming up... Stay tuned!