Social Reject: Hi!

Thank you! I appreciate your criticism, it's constructive and well intended! You don't have to worry that I'd take that the wrong way!
Although I want the bikes I build to be the best possible, I wouldn't really say that I strive for perfection. Perfection is final in my way of thinking, and if I wanted what I do to be perfect before I lay the tools down and call it done, I'd never be done!

I settle with the best I can do for now, and hope that my skill level will rise with every new project. And some flaws in the bikes I simply decide to live with, like the dents in the chainguard on this one. Just as a side note, the reason that I cut the original bike apart wasn't really that it wasn't perfect, it wasn't very good at all! :lol: I just had a feeling that I wouldn't be pleased with it...
One of the things I enjoy so much about building bikes is that there are so many different elements involved in the process, and although I'm sure the end result would come out better if I let someone more skilled at striping stripe it or pay a proffessional automotive painter to paint it, I'm not sure I'd enjoy my bike builds as much for myself. Part of what makes it so much fun is to try and see what I can do myself. To get an idea and then think "I wonder if I could..." and then give it a try is one of those things that get me going! I'll start out with what I've got or easily can get a hold of, and upgrade when I feel that there's a need and when I can afford it. Often I've noticed when I try something new that my own lack of technical knowledge in the matter is more limiting than the tools I use. Put the best Stradivarius in my hands and it would still sound awful because I don't know how to play the violin! :lol: With that said, I'll take your advise and get better brushes for the striping!

And I'm sure that someday when an :lol: opportunity comes along I'll learn to paint with automotive paints, because I agree with you that the result would be better! But until then, rattle cans are what I have access to.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if the bike would turn out better in some aspects if I'd let other people do some of the things on it, it wouldn't feel as creatively rewarding or be as much fun for me.

Hm...that sounded really egoistic...ok, I'd consider letting someone else do the filler work! :lol:
Thanks again for your kind words and your helpful suggestions!!
icyuod2: Thanks! The same goes to you! Your name's one of the names I look for in the build threads!
Gdcast: Yepp, if there's a will there's a way!

Oh, and before you decide on that growing up thing, you might want me to grow up first too!! :lol: So you don't make any hasty decisions... :wink: "I want to be, wait a minute!!!" :lol:
jiminyshiznit: Thanks!

Glad to hear you're being inspired! Sorry if you'll lose your job because of it!

Welcome aboard! I've never seen another forum like this, I'm sure you'll find tons of inspiration here and I'm sure you'll build bikes that inspire others too!
Dman: Haha! :lol: All of a sudden everyone's starting to let their hair grow and wear it in a braid? Or speak with a slight swedish accent? :lol: