The Galtbacken 18

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Hi stretch! Glad to be back! I've been stuck with my nose in physics- and maths books, but I'm alive and well! :D I'll try my best to finish this build within the coming few weeks. :)

Now I'm off to my brother's to apply some filler to the frame and fork...
More to come! :)
Not a bad guess at all stretch! :D This term I'm studying physics and mathematics, but coming fall I'll be attending a program called "Innovation- and designengineer". It's a mix of industrial design and machine construction, and I guess that some of the things I'll learn will come in good use in designing and having fun building more bikes! :D
Yoohoo! Back in the game!
So good to hear from you, I knew the 18 was too good to be left alone, don´t give her time to grow rust again! :wink:
Some time is hard to find time to build, but it makes the soul feel so good doesn't it?
How is it at the top of your building? been there yet? Could it be possible to sneak and work there?
So glad to know you´re still interested in this, you are one of the guys how knows how to inspire the masses. :D
Well stretch, building bikes was what made me finally decide what I wanted to study, so in a way it's already a stepping stone for me! :D
Hi Billy! Thanks! Buildning bikes makes my soul soar! It's so much fun! :D Haven't been up on the roof, don't know if there's any access to it, but I've brought the rack I use to hang up parts when I paint them, so I can drive somewhere outside of town on some little undisturbed dirt road and paint a little when I have some time to spare and weather is good. When summer comes I'll go back to stay in the countryside and build my bikes at my brother's place. :) I'll find ways to be able to continue building, can't stop myself! :D

All well 'til next time! :)
Hi Galt, as long as you feel the drive for building and designing, places to do so will pop up. :D

Social Reject: If you allow me to express some appreciations on your comment, I´d like to say that some of us don´t really have access to all the nice tools/brushes/facilities most of you do. Sometimes not because of the prices, but of lack of availableness in our market. In my case I´ve been looking for pin striping brushes in the region, without success. Importing them is not an option here so I have to wait until someone I know travels to the US to buy them there for me. To my knowledge there is no one here in that line of trade, may be some gifted tattoo artist could address such a project, maybe some letter painter, but it tastes better when you try to do it, right? May be the result is a little rough (VERY in my particular case), but you see the improvements build by build.
I believe the main task here is to learn and achieve things that used to be impossible some while ago. Prof to that are my weldings, still not good enough, but betting there every time I wear the helmet… If you would had told me a year ago that I would be building my own (ugly welded) frames, I would not believe it.
I do believe is not about finally getting there, is all about the journey. :wink: :D
All cool my friend :oops: I was just trying to illustrate how meritorious this kind of "do it your self" projects can be. :wink:

If I ever grow up, (not likely) I wanna be like Galtbacken! (or at least weld like you :wink: )
My jaw is on the floor.. as a new guy here, I'm still catching up, and man is there a ton to catch up on! I've had a hard time focusing on my job today because I've been looking through some of your build threads. Unbelievable skills, from industrial design to metal fabrication to upholstery to graphic design to the way you explain and document your process... whoa. It's very inspiring, to say the least.
Social Reject: Hi! :D Thank you! I appreciate your criticism, it's constructive and well intended! You don't have to worry that I'd take that the wrong way! :)
Although I want the bikes I build to be the best possible, I wouldn't really say that I strive for perfection. Perfection is final in my way of thinking, and if I wanted what I do to be perfect before I lay the tools down and call it done, I'd never be done! :D I settle with the best I can do for now, and hope that my skill level will rise with every new project. And some flaws in the bikes I simply decide to live with, like the dents in the chainguard on this one. Just as a side note, the reason that I cut the original bike apart wasn't really that it wasn't perfect, it wasn't very good at all! :lol: I just had a feeling that I wouldn't be pleased with it...
One of the things I enjoy so much about building bikes is that there are so many different elements involved in the process, and although I'm sure the end result would come out better if I let someone more skilled at striping stripe it or pay a proffessional automotive painter to paint it, I'm not sure I'd enjoy my bike builds as much for myself. Part of what makes it so much fun is to try and see what I can do myself. To get an idea and then think "I wonder if I could..." and then give it a try is one of those things that get me going! I'll start out with what I've got or easily can get a hold of, and upgrade when I feel that there's a need and when I can afford it. Often I've noticed when I try something new that my own lack of technical knowledge in the matter is more limiting than the tools I use. Put the best Stradivarius in my hands and it would still sound awful because I don't know how to play the violin! :lol: With that said, I'll take your advise and get better brushes for the striping! :D And I'm sure that someday when an :lol: opportunity comes along I'll learn to paint with automotive paints, because I agree with you that the result would be better! But until then, rattle cans are what I have access to. :)
I guess what I'm trying to say is that even if the bike would turn out better in some aspects if I'd let other people do some of the things on it, it wouldn't feel as creatively rewarding or be as much fun for me. :) Hm...that sounded really egoistic...ok, I'd consider letting someone else do the filler work! :lol:
Thanks again for your kind words and your helpful suggestions!!

icyuod2: Thanks! The same goes to you! Your name's one of the names I look for in the build threads! :)

Gdcast: Yepp, if there's a will there's a way! :) Oh, and before you decide on that growing up thing, you might want me to grow up first too!! :lol: So you don't make any hasty decisions... :wink: "I want to be, wait a minute!!!" :lol:

jiminyshiznit: Thanks! :D Glad to hear you're being inspired! Sorry if you'll lose your job because of it! :D Welcome aboard! I've never seen another forum like this, I'm sure you'll find tons of inspiration here and I'm sure you'll build bikes that inspire others too!

Dman: Haha! :lol: All of a sudden everyone's starting to let their hair grow and wear it in a braid? Or speak with a slight swedish accent? :lol:
Hey there people! :) Finally found some time to do a bit more on the bike! Mixed emotions, on one hand really excited to do some bikebuilding, and on the other hand what was to be done was to sand filler! :lol:
I brought the frame and a roll of sanding paper (and some coffee and cookies) and drove around for a while in my car until I found a little dirtroad where I figured I could sit without disturbing anyone. It turned out to my surprise that there had to be houses nearby because there where a few cars passing by and also a man on a bicycle. I figured I'd better be polite, but he looked mostly shocked when I said hi. I suppose he wasn't used to see guys building bikes in that neck of the woods. :D
Sanding primer isn't the most fun part of the building process, but I made the best of it and hummed a happy tune while I was sanding away...

Humdadum...ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd, ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd...popompapom...

...ya can't go fishin' in a watermelon patch, ya can't go fishin' in a water melon patch...humdadoo...
Sliparam2.jpg can't take a shower in a parakeet cage...ut you can be happy if you've a mind to...

...all ya gotta do is put your mind to it. Knuckle down, buckle down, do it, do it, do it!

I didn't have time to sand the fork today before the sun set. I'll do a second application of filler on the frame where there are some pits that the first didn't cover. Maybe tomorrow, maybe another day! :)

I'll be posting more photos when more progress is being made!
Oh, I just realized that maybe this build should be in the built from scratch section? If any of the moderators think that'd be appropriate, feel free to move it! :)
Galtbacken said:
Humdadum...ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd, ya can't roller skate in a buffalo herd...popompapom...

Just make sure you go around the ouside, 'round the outside, 'round the outside... :lol:
Cool frame & artwork, am anxious to see the finish 8)

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