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Well it is just after midnight, Thunder is booming off of the Sierra Nevada mountains, and we are getting our fourth swat from Hurricane Hillary.

I went out today and dried up everything from the last storm, and it’s all wet again.

Fortunately it was pretty much nothing but rain (so far!) and there was no heavy wind. Just enough to knock the dead stuff out of the redwood trees.

The storms that we had this spring were much worse than this, and actually ripped my “awning”. So far no damage this time.

Also no bike riding here, and I was just recovered to the point where my bogus knee was maybe ready to do a five miler.

What’s really funny is I have no desire to take my motorcycle out and get it all dirty. On the other hand, for three days I’ve been thinking I should go put the fenders on the black Manhattan Green bike so I can ride it on the wet roads.

Instead all have I have done is clean up the property, clean my aquariums, and clean a little bit more on the car.

Pine Flat reservoir last summer.

We stop at the toilet & pay our $10 at the ATM. The boat ramp is a mile down there.


“ Point to the water Judy!” It is way down there.


The ATM machine is gone but you can’t move that toilet.

That last photograph is a file photo from the Fresno Bee.

That was taken before hurricane Hillary, But it can’t be any higher than that now because the dam was running over the spillways.
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Now as you mention it, during my basic training as a military cyclist, we did exactly that with the bikes of our platoon leaders, but not 95% only around 15-30% :bandit::comando::dance2:

If you’re going to do this as a joke on someone, fill the tires about halfway with Jell-O and let it sit overnight. Use half as much water as normal when you make the Jell-O.
Got this going yesterday.
View attachment 246075
Still learning to treadle evenly... hehehe
View attachment 246076
We had one of these when I was married to my first wife. It was virtually identical to this machine except it also had an add-on electric motor kit from singer.

Such things are likely still available since they made millions of these and sold them all around the world.
I hope the sleep in the new house was enjoyable. As much as I dislike moving, waking up in a new place that is yours is a great feeling.
I grew up in my "New House" but haven't lived there in years and even though I've done some remodeling, I can still walk anywhere in the home with my eyes closed. There's still a lot at the Parsonage where I had lived. But now I can bring a load in and just put it away.
Works best with a dunlop valve, presta might work as well...
View attachment 246241
ha ha ha thanks swiss guy, I have not seen a dunlop valve since I was a kid, we talking 45 yrs ago! the servo up the road from home had an air pump outside and always a couple of small rubber attachments that we would put on the dunlop valve and then the hose went in that!, LOL. memories!
ha ha ha thanks swiss guy, I have not seen a dunlop valve since I was a kid, we talking 45 yrs ago! the servo up the road from home had an air pump outside and always a couple of small rubber attachments that we would put on the dunlop valve and then the hose went in that!, LOL. memories!
In Germany dunlop valves are still pretty much standard on regular road and city bikes
In Germany dunlop valves are still pretty much standard on regular road and city bikes
Wow...that is interesting, and would you believe I didnt even know they were caller a Dunlop, we just called them valves! and we though we were cool coz at 7yrs old we are at a garage doing car things, even though on a pushy!
I wonder that if the inner valve on a schrader tube is removed, you might have a larger ID hole to put water/jell-o whatever into. Perhaps get an old Slime bottle to see if that works.....
Or something like this 1/2 liter syringe with tube.

500ml Large Syringe with 27.6 Inch Tube, Sterile and Individual Sealed, Plastic Garden Syringe for Liquid, Paint, Epoxy Resin, Oil, Watering Plants, Refilling
So what were your warning signs or how did you know? In essence what made you finally decide to go to the doctor and do something about it
I had a visible bulge in my bellybutton, but no discomfort. Then, one day, playing with Lil Thundrrr, I took a punch to the gut. As I lay on the floor, trying to breathe through the pain, I thought to myself, "if I can get beat up by a two year old, there might be a problem here"
Got the gut done and got fixed at the same time, one in the guts, one in the nuts
I had a visible bulge in my bellybutton, but no discomfort. Then, one day, playing with Lil Thundrrr, I took a punch to the gut. As I lay on the floor, trying to breathe through the pain, I thought to myself, "if I can get beat up by a two year old, there might be a problem here"
Got the gut done and got fixed at the same time, one in the guts, one in the nuts

Sounds like Lil Thundrrr has quite the punch. 🤜 👊
OK, the cheap way to get the Jello inside the inner tube is you remove all the air from the inner tube. Get it as flat as possible.

You mix Jello thick in a shaker (A big tumbler with a lid like a cocktail shaker) and before it starts to jell you can put it in a cake decorator bag, which is just any old bag with one corner cut out of it.

You attach that corner tightly around the valve stem with some rubber bands before you load it up and then you just squeeze the Jello into the tube.
put new white bar tape on the RB-2 two nights ago. last night, first ride on the new tape, chain throws and not just a shift-it-back-on, or a one-finger-back-on throw, i mean tangled, two hands all fingers needed. my luck.
And was the bar tape a horror show after?