I am the person that Skip is referring to. Here is my public version of my apology.
There is a pretty constant "positive" vibe here on RRB, so I know when I see some people getting so ticked off that they post their complaints, then it probably means there are more silent people that feel similarly.
I want you all to know that I genuinely apologize for a lot of what I did during BO7 that turned off some people. I have been following this thread from its start and have been taking a lot of the comments to heart!!! I just wish someone had sent me a PM during the BO instead of having to see how bothered a lot of people were at the very end.
First off, I agree that the bunnies were a bad idea. I didn't start them, but I was a culprit of using them as much or more than most in the name of "making it fun", but looking back now there were times when it became more of a farce than fun.
Second, I was WAY overzealous with my postings. I didn't do it for recognition, I truly followed practically every step of every build and then became OBSESSED with being the BO7 Supporter. Again, looking back now, it is pretty easy to see, but I was just too caught up in it during BO7. I had very good intentions, but again to EXCESS! I could have been just as supportive without so MANY posts.
Third, while I do think the back page bumps for encouragement were a good thing, I did them to excess and used the bunnies. One or two a day is fine, but 5-10 in a row, ridiculous!!!! I also think that page bumps for the sole reason of bumping were not good.
I hope this helps to heal any bad feelings any one has towards the sillyness or overposting in BO7.
I don't pretend to talk for anyone but myself and I am not condemning the fun that was had during this build off. There just needs to be a BALANCE struck.
And now for one more piece of sillyness that I think all can get a kick out of. In the BO7 Prize Pot, some of the prizes that I donated were some SouthPark Chess pieces to be used for valve caps. The Queen pieces were promised to any Drama Queens that emerged. Well I believe that many of my actions (well intended or not) caused more drama than was needed in this build off.
For that reason I am awarding myself one of the Drama Queen Prizes.
The other is going to the Bunnies in general for similar reasons. The repercussions of the bunnies just caused too much drama.