Too much sillyness ?

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I had a great time and will try again next year. Nothing in the build off uupset me :p. There were a couple of times I thought I was going to see an update only to be a bunny picture but I didn't get all bent out of shape over it or lose any sleep :roll:
Ahh the good ol' days. Back in the day it was a little easier to take the silliness. There were far fewer of us and not as many posts. I have always used the "View New Posts" option and for the longest time read every single post. It's to the point now where there's just too many posts to read them all, even for a retired guy like me. I still use "View New Posts" and then just pick and choose what to view from that.
OK, this thread is turing into one of those I wont follow anymore. LOL. Kingfish,fugetaboutit! We all love what ya do and type. It wasnt a slam against ya!. Build on,im outta here. I have 3 frames to build and havent touched them...Im remodeling my office/bike storage room. hardwood floors, paint,new carpet on steps, and new tiling in the laundry room. Plus the garage needs a goin over. New MuscleGloss coat on the floor, again.... See yall soon.
Thanks for the kind words everyone, but I didn't mean to draw attention to this thread to shoot down or dismiss what had been said earlier. Prior to my posting here, I had contacted each of the prevous posters privately, and pretty much all of them told me that they weren't trying to single any one person out, but just had some overall gripes about the bunnies and mega posting of BO7. I think they had valid concerns.

I wanted to bring attention to the thread for my cohorts in crime to see the other side of the coin. In turn, I think the original posters saw a different side as well. So, now that all of us have seen everyone's money, let's move forward with a little more BALANCE and in the words of the late Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

Oh yeah, after seeing CMAN's pinup girl bike modelling, I need to break out my Will Ferrel stars and stripes speedo to take some photos of Flexy for the Trading Cards!!! I think it will really make the snarling seat pop! :shock:

I miss the Rickster. Who else could entertain themselves with 3 dresser drawers, 2 milk crates, a wooden box, orange safety cones, a cool bike and no pants.

Lucky for us he's never deleted these photos from his Photobucket account.
Haha.... yeah I remember the Rickster, I thought that picture was completely erased from my memory :shock:

Wonder where he went? abducted by ailens? maybe the old lady next door had him locked up for blowing up cans of soup? or was it potato's??
A couple things:
1. While the silliness might go a little far for my taste at times, I'd never disparage anyone for enjoying themselves in this hobby.

2. It did to a certain extent limit my ability/desire to keep up with all the build threads during RRB07. I'm usually only on for small amounts at a time and after a while I just kinda lost the desire to scroll down or to the 2nd page to see something other than the same 10 or so builds that never left the top. There were so many bikes (including the eventual winner) I felt like I saw for the first time in the finished gallery Udall put together...

Again... no sweat off my back. I had fun building a bike I'm in love and I did it my way, It's not my job to tell someone else how to enjoy building their bikes.
aka_locojoe said:
I miss the Rickster. Who else could entertain themselves with 3 dresser drawers, 2 milk crates, a wooden box, orange safety cones, a cool bike and no pants.

Lucky for us he's never deleted these photos from his Photobucket account.

I agree, my favorite was when he borrowed is grandmas wig/clothes to dress up like his grandma for halloween ... at least i think it was his grandma :lol:

I can't even remember why I made this one, but this was another Rickster moment. :lol:

I would never take part in any silliness.

But I can officially be blamed for the bunnies, I posted a photo of a bunny I caught in my BO-06 thread, which then Peatbog commented on, and then it kind of took off from there.

I'm sorry for any hurt feelings, but I like to keeps things light, this is the internet, meet me in real life and we'll see how things go.

I once had the entire community up in arms over me, on the verge of being banned because people didn't like my avatar photo. How bad was it? It was a photo of me, wearing khaki pants and a plaid shirt, but what made them so mad was that I was wearing sandals and socks! Gasp! (yes really)

And it wasn't even this photo:

(yeah, I'm hot)

In the end, I care about this forum and I'm chilling (a little) until all the hate fades away.
CeeBee said:
I really don't know how to repond to a guy in a dress saying "Meet me in real life and we'll see how it goes." :shock:

It's amazing how you guys put things together around here. haha

bike2112 said:
I just need an address for the guy in the dress. Sorry, couldn't resist.

Look around, my address has been posted many times. :eek:
CeeBee said:
Getting creepier.......exactly how do you pronounce "geye"?

Don't think I haven't had to answer that before. It's Youth Guy, haha I'm a youth pastor and youth gay would be bad... very very bad. The photo of me in the dress was back in college for a Mr and Miss Baptist Student Union Pageant, a mission trip fundraiser. I won Miss BSU... something that didn't go on my transcript.