Sounds like a good route. You may want to consider planning a route that connects with bike shops
and friendly organizations. This would help with pre-advertising and making sure there's a crowd for
the show. Also consider taping for future podcast style documentary of the journey. Or connecting
with someone that already has a similar podcast and the necessary videography equipment. I do
local trail rides with the Long Island Military Vehicle Club and we simply post YT videos and photos
on our website. It does get attention and sometimes new members. If you give the ride a purpose
like raising funds for veterans, then you might extend your reach further and connect with veteran
posts along the way, as well as bike shops. Kinda pass the hat and share the wealth for good cause
almost always gets people to come out. Have you given any thought to overnight accommodations?
Is this going to be a camping excursion or a hotel to hotel trip? Is it going to be one way or a loop
around the beautiful state of New York taking all back roads? Lots of options there.
Not that I have any thoughts of ideas on the subject.