Thanks for all the positive comments folks . . . We really appreciate them!!
I was hoping that my daughter would be able to do this update earlier this week, but she’s been slammed with homework lately and was unable to get to it. This will be better anyways because I’m going to brag about her and she’s not here to stop me! Last week, I had to explain what I mean when I say she’s not just another pretty face . . . this week, she tells me she has been selected for induction into the "Honor Society" at school! Makes me a proud daddy! :mrgreen:
Progress on the bike has been slow since the Stockton show . . . lost a bunch of time while I was enjoying a week with the flu!

Then, we spent a long weekend in Redding for “Kool April Nites”. We had a great time, but it threw our schedule off. We plan to do some more work on the bike next weekend. The fur will really be flying around RatRodBikes by then with all the Build-off stuff going on!
Anyhow, we started getting something together to use as a base for the seat cushion.
Started with this . . . it is 1/8" thick, 3-ply material called “bender panel”.
Coated two pieces of the plywood with carpenter’s wood glue, laid three pieces together and placed them into a plastic bag, and clamped them into the mold that you can see in the background. After 24 hours in the mold . . . the plywood is 3/8" thick and looked like this.
Here’s the same pattern we used when making the seat pan.
After being cut to shape on the bandsaw and a little sanding. The piece in the background is a flat piece of 3/8" plywood and it is the other part of the seat cushion base.
Here’s how they fit the bike. The plan is to connect them to each other into one piece, glue and shape some foam, and then cover them with some cool skin. Still need to take care of the sides of the seat pan/frame . . . hopefully next weekend!