Hey everyone, thanks for checking in and for the positive comments! We really do appreciate your encouragement!
It’s been too long since we’ve shown any progress . . . time flies. Since the last update, seems like it’s one step forward, one step back.
First, we lost Lampy to a horrible lathe accident

. . . the one you’ll see from now on is a clone.
Then, several work sessions were spent getting the rear fender mounting finished only to discover we needed to cut the new mount off because the tire rubbed. FYI, don’t use a wheel with a broken spoke for measuring tire clearance!

They can be out of round . . . duh!
After cutting the new mount off and welding it back in the right place, we decided to follow Outlaws suggestion and make a custom seat. That led to a couple more changes to the frame ( and cutting the fender mount off AGAIN! ), but first, some time off for a wonderful week with the flu. UGH! I think that’s enough drama for one post . . . on with the photos!
This is how we started a rarely-seen modification . . .
narrowing the seat stays. :shock:
Look closely and you can see the ½" we cut out of the left stay. Some heat to the dropout and the stay will go where we want it!
A Quick-Grip clamp holds the stay ready for welding . . . the stay lines up very well!
The left side welded up and the right side awaits its turn. After this photo was taken we did the same cut on the right side, and with one inch taken out of the seat stays, the rear fender is still swimming in there . . . plenty of room!
Teaser pic. This hunk of tubing was simply getting in the way of what we want to do, so we chopped it off! Taking care of the hole it left is taking a little longer . . . hope it will be worth the work.
As a famous custom bike builder once said, “That’s why they call them choppers!” 8)
BTW, We are still shootin’ to have it on two wheels for the Stockton show!