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Things were going so well; too well, I guess. I snapped the barrel-shaped head of the positron shifter cable right off the cable. Okay, I forced it like an idiot. This is gonna cost me; both in dollars and time. Ordered a new one from Germany(!), so I'm taking a nice long break for a while. This will give me time to consider other nice little touches. I think the bike is gonna show some real personality.
Wow, wasnt expecting the banana seat, very cool. The green looks good. If youre ever looking for orange again, chevy engine orange is a nice one.
Love this build, The use of different parts that go together so well, like the stem and the banana seat, then those aggressive bars! Great job, Simple yet a head turner.

Also side tip, those forks...... Not the main chrome bars, but everything else, (The aluminum parts) all have a protective coating on them, I recently broke a fork down and used a red scuff pad to sand threw the coating, then used a grey scuff pad with aluminum polish to remove the sand scratches, then polished with a drill with a homemade buffing wheel/ball I made out of Microfiber cloths. and it looks better then new!! I know most here prefer the rat rod aged look, but Its is an option with them!!

Heres the forks done with a added headlight.....


Just wear rubber gloves or your hands will be black for days lol
Yay! Saturday! I had time to finish it. Wait a minute, I'm retired: every day is Saturday. I did add a zip tie to the shifter cable AFTER the pics were taken. The shift cable is now hugging the frame more nicely. So, when you have no welding/metal-working skills, and all you do is turn wrenches, grind and paint, things go rather quickly. Here is the finished product. Now I can sit back and watch you true artists create your masterpieces.

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Yay! Saturday! I had time to finish it. Wait a minute, I'm retired: Every day is Saturday. I did add a zip tie to the shifter cable AFTER the pics were taken. So, when you have no welding/metal-working skills, and all you do is turn wrenches and paint, things go rather quickly. Here is the finished product. The shift cable is now hugging the frame more nicely. Now I can sit back and watch you true artists create you masterpieces.
View attachment 70236
View attachment 70237

If that's not a masterpiece, I don't know what is o_O

Excellent job :113:

You know, all my life, I've never been much of a "joiner," but since finding this community, I feel as though I really belong to something special. Thanks for being here.

Yes, it sure is special... and it's blokes like you that make it special.
Now, that's enough soppy talk... are you suuuuure you don't want to build another masterpiece?

Ding Dang that's one top-notch build :thumbsup:.
Dig everything about it, the color, The Stance is awesome, whole front end the bars and the fork are sweet.

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