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Never thought the Ozards had much of a bike culture...who knew?
I posted these in "Bike Talk", but I put them up here too.

First up, here is a picture of my mom as a little one. Not sure what kind of bike it is. Maybe a Schwinn?


Next up, is my favorite old photo I have. This one is of my dad and his little brother (R.I.P. Uncle Donald). Cicra 1958 or thereabout. Notice my dad has a good old Rat Rodded Elgin Twin 20! Someday, I will get one of those and restore it for him. The best part is, on the back of the picture, it says 1958 -Bicycle Ramp - Dave the Genious". Those frames look weak, but I'm sure they put it to the test!


Several years later, we have a photo of my dad and my big sister, long before I was around. This one is dated 1967.


And last, here is one of me. I'm the one on the back of the Stingray. Driving the bike is an old childhood friend. I'm pretty sure the bike was mine, but I can't recall for certain. Notice the incredible boat in the backround! That is a 50's Glasstron that I would kill for today. It has all the style of a '57 Caddy in boat format! It was a running boat long before I was born. Sometime over the years my sister and her husband decided to restore it. Of course they never finished it so the boat went to the side of the road with a free sign on it. I remember the 35 hp Johnson outboard sitting in the basement for years. The thing was just HUGE. That eventually went away too. I saw a boat like that several years ago all restored and wondered.

Excelsoir cycle supply, Michigan City, IN. Phone book ad. "Excelsior and De Luxe" These guys were around from the late 1800's to 1936. D.P. harris bought the factory in 36' and produced bikes there til the early 60's? This Excelsior company never, ever was associated with Schwinn Excelsiors in any way shape or form. More photo's to come soon.
December 1919. Washington, D.C. "Haverford Cycle, interior, 10th Street N.W. Agents for Smith Motor Wheel."

It's back!! :) Does anybody believe this photo? The terrain and the attitude of the equipment do not match. The spokes are pretty much standstill, to be that clear on old low speed film. :?
While the shadows match the wheels and rider, there is no impression from the tires on the dirt road. At that speed and angle, he would have left a tire print.

The picture above of Elvis signing an autograph on a boy's head, is that a young Forrest Gump?