Just discovered this thread and thought it needed some swiss flavour...

Most of the pictures I found on this site:
Some posing pics first (probably around WW1):
Switzerland has some mountains, you know...
...and down
Forward march in full atom gear:
Bike with heavy machine gun-carrier (I was trained on these guns). Look how the mud built up inside the wheels..
a bike with full packaging (looks like a paramedics bike):
One of the guys in blue could be me (I remember wearing those scratchy blues for cleaning duty), learning maintenance on the bike:
In the back on the right you can see the rims still covered with red plastic protection. This means that this recruits just got their fresh new bikes and have to piece them together now. Cueing from the boots and hats this must be some of the last years (early/mid 90ties) where these bikes were handed out...
Also this uniform is remembered (hated it)... and I learned to get of my bike like this as well (helped me a lot later on dismounting my MTB when a branch got stuck in my front wheel when going down hill)
But despite not liking to be in the military per se I really enjoyed my time as a military cyclist, as the cameradery was absolutely great in these troops!
and some of us also had real fun
My platoon:
More vintage fotos of swiss military cyclists you can find here: