Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  • 01. "1940 Columbia" by Rudy Rude

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 02. "57 Speed Creep" by 48 Hawthorne

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 03. "Archie Klunker" by GTCOMA

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 04. "Ben Davis" by NOC

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 05. "Beyond Thunderdome" by Chain Reaction

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 06. "Black American" by blackphantom

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 07. "Black and Wild" by garagegoon

    Votes: 41 7.9%
  • 08. "Blue Eliminator" by Weekend Fun

    Votes: 10 1.9%
  • 09. "Blue Moon" by Ken Nighplay

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 10. "Blue Ribbon Betty" by mtbikn212

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • 11. "Blue X" by skipton

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 12. "Bombing Betty" by chaunceysj

    Votes: 27 5.2%
  • 13. "Boss Ross" by gowjobs

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 14. "Broken Beat Scarred" by Simpleman

    Votes: 63 12.1%
  • 15. "Bruizer" by iDood

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 16. "Cash" by Devilmaysay

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 17. "Cinco de Polo" by JoKeR63

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • 18. "Cpuff" by Cashman

    Votes: 15 2.9%
  • 19. "CWC 1" by Roadmaster

    Votes: 45 8.6%
  • 20. "Dynomite Racer" by zelkmaster

    Votes: 17 3.3%
  • 21. "Elgin Old Army" by frameteam2003

    Votes: 45 8.6%
  • 22. "Engine No. 9" by fenderhole

    Votes: 113 21.6%
  • 23. "Grandpa Rockhopper" by XC204

    Votes: 23 4.4%
  • 24. "Hometown Hero" by 59punk

    Votes: 36 6.9%
  • 25. "Jenna Saykwa" by xddorox

    Votes: 24 4.6%
  • 26. "Kindergarten Cruiser" by mrflagman

    Votes: 14 2.7%
  • 27. "Knuckledown" by Found Objects

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 28. "Krusty Kargo" by bean

    Votes: 34 6.5%
  • 29. "Lazy Rodent" by Monster Metal

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 30. "Lincoln Green" by Hubgearfreak

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 31. "Mildly Curious" by warpigg

    Votes: 10 1.9%
  • 32. "Monkey Panic" by Bicycleguy

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 33. "Mr. Goodyear" by deorman

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 34. "Murray Resurrection" by Schwinnspastic

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 35. "Naked 41" by jcextreme

    Votes: 24 4.6%
  • 36. "Phantom Menace" by John Payne

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 37. "Picnic Time" by purple

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 38. "Poore Mans Dream" by murraymadman

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 39. "Primed for Renewal" by Flying Dingo

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 40. "Resicycle" by 2dawgs

    Votes: 20 3.8%
  • 41. "Rusty Brit" by pvwacko

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 42. "Salt Shaker" by hotrodjen

    Votes: 35 6.7%
  • 43. "Sandune 2.0" by dirtywater

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 44. "Schwinnliner" by Hooch

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 45. "Silver Flyer" by Wildcat

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 46. "Skull-o-sis" by icyoud2

    Votes: 37 7.1%
  • 47. "Steamed Rat" by Markm

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 48. "Stella Bread Racer" by irzouts

    Votes: 25 4.8%
  • 49. "Stream-Flex" by 37fleetwood

    Votes: 27 5.2%
  • 50. "Swinger Special" by cman

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 51. "The Bandit" by Double Nickle

    Votes: 27 5.2%
  • 52. "The Desert Stormer" by 2wheelflyer

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • 53. "The Goon" by hewey

    Votes: 17 3.3%
  • 54. "The Grady Rocket" by char

    Votes: 56 10.7%
  • 55. "The Juak Ali" Graylock

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 56. "The King of Cowley County" by udallcustombikes

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 57. "The Newsboy Special" by ratina

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 58. "The Sidewalk Super Villain Supernaut" by bighit

    Votes: 124 23.8%
  • 59. "The Tennessee Klunk" by biss-ness

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • 60. "The Way Out Suburbanite" by Schweetcruisers

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 61. "The Wormwood Limited" by Strings_and_steam

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 62. "Tiki Time Cruiser" by bigcam59

    Votes: 19 3.6%
  • 63. "Undertaker" by Kuttnhack

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 64. "Vagabond Gent" by xHOBOPHOBIAx

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 65. "Widowmaker VI" by texasbigjohn

    Votes: 87 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Maybe a few pages off here, but just sat down to read everything here and vote :)

Rat, custom, rust bucket, cruiser, klunker, kid's bike, wacky one-off... when it's all said and doen you just gotta build for you. I am flattered to have a few votes for 'The Wormwood Limited', and yeah it would be a rush to place (haha) but that's not why I wanted to enter a bike. I wanted to make a one of a kind machine that had some of my own flair in it. A machine that, when all is said and done and even if everyone else thinks it's garbage, I am happy with, and proud to ride. If I can't produce something I am proud of and enjoy, how can I hope to make something that would excite another? This has been a philosophy of mine as a craftsman of violins, steampunk things, etc., and I truly believe that everyone here should take pride in their finished machines, and no matter how the voting pans out, feel proud of what they've created.

Brilliant job everyone, I've felt privilaged to be a part of it all!
Well all I have to say is WOW after sitting through and watching all the great builds and getting inspired then going out to my garage and not having a ton of parts all over like before welder collecting dust my saws and pipe cutter...laying idle, talk about depressing.
But I did realize that from the anythings goes build off to this buiild off that I think that I get more inspired to build from all the others that build. When I decided to start making badges I finally decided to focus on one thing which I've never been able to do in my life...ADD ?? maybe...confused sure ....unique....we all are. Just like every bike in the build off and every builder. Some I've gotten to know a little through making badges for them and other just because ya have things in common and you hit it off like a long lost brother... but what I think overall is were just one big happy family of bike lovers...and hey thats whats important. Imagine what our garage would look like if it had to house all of these great there would be a picture for ya.....but congrats to everyone.
Im in for 4th 5 th and 6th when all the votes are cast and you know where you land contact me and we'll make you something really cool for your bike. If theres ties in any of those place then were all in....
Great Builds by everyone!
The cream is rising to the top.......I have seven votes!!!!!!! :D How cool is that?! 8)
Thanks to all who voted for Blue-X! I Can't wait to see how it all turns out
Skipton said:
Great Builds by everyone!
The cream is rising to the top.......I have seven votes!!!!!!! :D How cool is that?! 8)
Thanks to all who voted for Blue-X! I Can't wait to see how it all turns out
It was original...Great Job! Nice use of the ladies tanks!!
A few interesting stats...

So far, the poll shows that there have been 985 votes....that means roughly 328 people have voted.

The "VOTE" email that I sent out on August 4th went to 6683 email address and has been opened 1207 times so far with 678 clicks.
Rat Rod said:
A few interesting stats...

So far, the poll shows that there have been 985 votes....that means roughly 328 people have voted.

The "VOTE" email that I sent out on August 4th went to 6683 email address and has been opened 1207 times so far with 678 clicks.
Awesome! That's got to make ya smile...
Echoing others... I found it just about impossible to choose a "top three". So many oustanding bikes. I say congratulations to everyone! Thanks to all for sharing your builds! :D
A big congratulations to every one who finished a bike this year! I don't think there is a single bike that didn't have something I really liked about it. I personally love the amount of variety that comes out of these build offs every year. Plus at the end of the build off this thread always makes for a fun read :lol:
I only asked $ was built from spare parts mostley.
I bought some hardware, paint, crank bolts and a bottom bracket for it...oh and the rear bag.
I think that's it :lol: (no more than $40 - $50 for sure invested)
She seemed pretty shocked that it was so cheap...but I just want to get a new huffy for parts or ???? or a new springer fork.
She asked why would you sell it? I said i just built it from spare parts...silence... :lol:
Kinda makes ya happy :)
bighit said:
No way can I sell it considering that it may come in 1st or 2nd. Too much sentimential value.

i don't blame ya bighit. :)

do you even ride your other bikes anymore, now you that supernaut is in the picture?
I wouldn't. :wink:
Maybe its been asked before.... And if so I am sry to ask again.... Too many posts to read sometimes... But where did the bars come from on the Supernaut and the Galt Town Hooligan?

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