Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  • 01. "1940 Columbia" by Rudy Rude

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 02. "57 Speed Creep" by 48 Hawthorne

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 03. "Archie Klunker" by GTCOMA

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 04. "Ben Davis" by NOC

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 05. "Beyond Thunderdome" by Chain Reaction

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 06. "Black American" by blackphantom

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 07. "Black and Wild" by garagegoon

    Votes: 41 7.9%
  • 08. "Blue Eliminator" by Weekend Fun

    Votes: 10 1.9%
  • 09. "Blue Moon" by Ken Nighplay

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 10. "Blue Ribbon Betty" by mtbikn212

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • 11. "Blue X" by skipton

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 12. "Bombing Betty" by chaunceysj

    Votes: 27 5.2%
  • 13. "Boss Ross" by gowjobs

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 14. "Broken Beat Scarred" by Simpleman

    Votes: 63 12.1%
  • 15. "Bruizer" by iDood

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 16. "Cash" by Devilmaysay

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 17. "Cinco de Polo" by JoKeR63

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • 18. "Cpuff" by Cashman

    Votes: 15 2.9%
  • 19. "CWC 1" by Roadmaster

    Votes: 45 8.6%
  • 20. "Dynomite Racer" by zelkmaster

    Votes: 17 3.3%
  • 21. "Elgin Old Army" by frameteam2003

    Votes: 45 8.6%
  • 22. "Engine No. 9" by fenderhole

    Votes: 113 21.6%
  • 23. "Grandpa Rockhopper" by XC204

    Votes: 23 4.4%
  • 24. "Hometown Hero" by 59punk

    Votes: 36 6.9%
  • 25. "Jenna Saykwa" by xddorox

    Votes: 24 4.6%
  • 26. "Kindergarten Cruiser" by mrflagman

    Votes: 14 2.7%
  • 27. "Knuckledown" by Found Objects

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 28. "Krusty Kargo" by bean

    Votes: 34 6.5%
  • 29. "Lazy Rodent" by Monster Metal

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 30. "Lincoln Green" by Hubgearfreak

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 31. "Mildly Curious" by warpigg

    Votes: 10 1.9%
  • 32. "Monkey Panic" by Bicycleguy

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 33. "Mr. Goodyear" by deorman

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 34. "Murray Resurrection" by Schwinnspastic

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 35. "Naked 41" by jcextreme

    Votes: 24 4.6%
  • 36. "Phantom Menace" by John Payne

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 37. "Picnic Time" by purple

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 38. "Poore Mans Dream" by murraymadman

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • 39. "Primed for Renewal" by Flying Dingo

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 40. "Resicycle" by 2dawgs

    Votes: 20 3.8%
  • 41. "Rusty Brit" by pvwacko

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 42. "Salt Shaker" by hotrodjen

    Votes: 35 6.7%
  • 43. "Sandune 2.0" by dirtywater

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 44. "Schwinnliner" by Hooch

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 45. "Silver Flyer" by Wildcat

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 46. "Skull-o-sis" by icyoud2

    Votes: 37 7.1%
  • 47. "Steamed Rat" by Markm

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 48. "Stella Bread Racer" by irzouts

    Votes: 25 4.8%
  • 49. "Stream-Flex" by 37fleetwood

    Votes: 27 5.2%
  • 50. "Swinger Special" by cman

    Votes: 11 2.1%
  • 51. "The Bandit" by Double Nickle

    Votes: 27 5.2%
  • 52. "The Desert Stormer" by 2wheelflyer

    Votes: 9 1.7%
  • 53. "The Goon" by hewey

    Votes: 17 3.3%
  • 54. "The Grady Rocket" by char

    Votes: 56 10.7%
  • 55. "The Juak Ali" Graylock

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 56. "The King of Cowley County" by udallcustombikes

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 57. "The Newsboy Special" by ratina

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 58. "The Sidewalk Super Villain Supernaut" by bighit

    Votes: 124 23.8%
  • 59. "The Tennessee Klunk" by biss-ness

    Votes: 12 2.3%
  • 60. "The Way Out Suburbanite" by Schweetcruisers

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 61. "The Wormwood Limited" by Strings_and_steam

    Votes: 7 1.3%
  • 62. "Tiki Time Cruiser" by bigcam59

    Votes: 19 3.6%
  • 63. "Undertaker" by Kuttnhack

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 64. "Vagabond Gent" by xHOBOPHOBIAx

    Votes: 16 3.1%
  • 65. "Widowmaker VI" by texasbigjohn

    Votes: 87 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
icyuod2 said:
after all, the only reason one insults another, is based on a need to knock em down to thier own level. :)

:lol: lol, i think you may be on to something there... what really makes me sit back and chuckle is the wordplay people use. you know, give a bike lots and lots of compliments and the in the same breath try to subtly discredit it in some fashion. it always makes for a good laugh. :lol: i've never ever had a negative thing to say about any bike and i never will. if there's something about a bike i don't agree with i simply don't comment about it out of respect for the builder, it was his/her vision and in their eyes they built exactly what they wanted. after all who am i to say something anyway, i'm not a judge or a lawyer i'm just a bike builder...
my motto is build 'em the way you want and be proud, let those with little else to do sort 'em out... :wink:
fenderhole said:
icyuod2 said:
after all, the only reason one insults another, is based on a need to knock em down to thier own level. :)

:lol: lol, i think you may be on to something there... what really makes me sit back and chuckle is the wordplay people use. you know, give a bike lots and lots of compliments and the in the same breath try to subtly discredit it in some fashion. it always makes for a good laugh. :lol: i've never ever had a negative thing to say about any bike and i never will. if there's something about a bike i don't agree with i simply don't comment about it out of respect for the builder, it was his/her vision and in their eyes they built exactly what they wanted. after all who am i to say something anyway, i'm not a judge or a lawyer i'm just a bike builder...
my motto is build 'em the way you want and be proud, let those with little else to do sort 'em out... :wink:

very well said
fenderhole said:
icyuod2 said:
after all, the only reason one insults another, is based on a need to knock em down to thier own level. :)

:lol: lol, i think you may be on to something there... what really makes me sit back and chuckle is the wordplay people use. you know, give a bike lots and lots of compliments and the in the same breath try to subtly discredit it in some fashion.

hey fenderhole, i certianly hope thats not a reference to my post.
in no way shape or form did i mean this as an insult or a means to discredit your build.
i believe whole heartedly that this is a first place bike worthy of the rrbbo #5.
if you read anything else outta that, i most sincerly apologize.

i've said it before and i'll say it again, i love that bike and am very envious. :)

"i'm very happily surprized that it got as many votes as it did. honestly, i really didn't expect the warm reception it got.

It's not the typical rat rod bike we see here. not a cantelever frame. I wasn't sure how it would be recieved. It's not rusty,and its covered in custom parts and paint.
the same could be said about engine no.9. its not the typical rat, its not rusty, for all purposes it's a pristine fully functional firetruck (which i adore-congrates on the fine work and the landside of votes )
or the supervillian chromed out the wazzooooo
basicly, rat rod biking means very different things to each of us."
icyuod2 said:
fenderhole said:
icyuod2 said:
after all, the only reason one insults another, is based on a need to knock em down to thier own level. :)

:lol: lol, i think you may be on to something there... what really makes me sit back and chuckle is the wordplay people use. you know, give a bike lots and lots of compliments and the in the same breath try to subtly discredit it in some fashion.

hey fenderhole, i certianly hope thats not a reference to my post.
in no way shape or form did i mean this as an insult or a means to discredit your build.
i believe whole heartedly that this is a first place bike worth of the rrbbo #5.
if you read anything else outta that, i most sincerly apologize.

no worries there doc icy, i wasn't referring to you.
honestly bighit, i was totally unaware i had insulted peoples works.

if that's the case, i humbley beg your forgiveness. that was never my intention, nor did i realize i had.
again i'm sorry, there wasn't a single bike i didn't like in one way or another and feel everybody's a winner.
i thought i had expressed that more than a few times.
bighit said:
Not you we are cool, you are the man with a plan to.

you guys are giving me a complex. :wink:

"what's going on, what i do???"

:lol: :lol: :lol:
chalk that one up to bad forum timing. :)
I think the voting is fair! You are being judged by your piers. Sure I though Doc Icy would win but I thought the The Brewers would have beat the Cubs last night too. That's life and it is what it is. I'm proud to be DFL! Because I know that because of this build I had fun and I learned I'll never build something second rate again...I love to build and that's why I'm here...some of you understand the need to be here. I'll take first next year I promise and not because I have the best bike it'll be because of that fat check you all will be getting next July. On that note I WANT MY "....IE" PRIZE SIGNED. :p
Sure I though Doc Icy would win but I thought the The Brewers would have beat the Cubs last night too.:p

That makes one of us. 8) But i do appreciate the kind words from who i gather to be skull-o-sis's bigest fan (next to myself of course)

On that note I WANT MY "....IE" PRIZE SIGNED. :p

if that is the case, i'll make sure of it. :)
lol i am so glad i did not enter this year. but i might have to throw down for next year i got a bike planed already. i think we are refering to rudy rude and i will say those are some big things to say for someone who is new around here. but really he does have a few valid points like the whole "what is a rat rod" deal which i think this comp comes down to every year. take me for example when i did the ratty truck in 07 i went full on rat. then with pay it back i wanted something a bit more shiny and finished and it tied for 3rd. so last year i spilt the difference with the galt town hooligan. this year a shinny bike and a rat are doing well as of when i last checked the rat was winning. sometimes it is just a cr&p shoot as to know what will do well. it is a combo of things to do well and both the front runners got it. super high quality builds, lots of cool hidden tricks, and most of all in my book VERY WELL DETAILED BUILD THREADS. all along the way almost everytime i went on there was something new to check out with these bikes and it kept them fresh in my mind. amazing bikes and there are a ton of others in this build off too 37fleetwood i mean come on that thing is sick i wanna ride it, and ray with the undertaker well i WILL ride that one sat.

and nooo way dude i am the biggest fan of skull-0-sis :mrgreen:
after 3 builds, I would just like to give you my take on the whole thing.
1 I had fun building my bike
2 I really love my bike
3 at this point there are 15 people out there that thought my bike was worthy to be among the top three bikes in the build off. if you have any votes not your own, it means there is someone out there that thought your bike was among the best built, and in this talented crowd that really means a lot.
4 it all just makes me more determined to do better next year. RRBO6 featuring MechaGodzilla watch out folks! :roll: :lol:
icyuod2 said:
Rat Rod said:
My intentions for these build off is for folks to not get so caught up in winning and trophies and stuff.

I really just want folks to build some cool bikes and have a good time. :wink:

That's what it's all about!

i'd take the coontail award and hang it with pride (meatloaf bike)
after all, the only reason one insults another, is based on a need to knock em down to thier own level. :) (compliments don't get much better than that)

I'm sorry man, no insults meant! lol I was just poking a bit o fun, plus I honestly couldn't remember the name of that chopper. It was meant to mirror the Bat Out of Hell, Meatloaf cover right? Genius & great concept. So, apologies, I really couldn't remember the name of the bike. All the best!
Ah yes the post build off debate again! Steve, don't change a thing. An open vote build off is like the "peoples choice award" and it is a crap shoot. I've seen this first hand in model contests. There is actually a recipe for winning that award and it has nothing to do with top prize in any other category (If you are wondering it is build it big and with whatever theme or movie is popular at the moment). Well built and accurately researched models don't stand a chance in that category. That being said, if you are building to win, you are missing the point.

The build off is to stimulate those who join it to build something beyond what they usually do and inspire those watching from the sidelines. As for what is a Rat Rod Bike, I won't get into that. I will freely admit that Jenna Saykwa is Rat "inspired" but not a true Rat. A big thank you for those who voted for it btw, 10 votes so far, I am quite happy. :D

My votes went to bikes that gave me the WOW reaction in my gut at first site. In no particular order: Bombing Betty, Desert Stormer and Broken Beat Scarred. Are all 65 entries "Rats", no but who cares they are all awesome.
bombshelterbikes said:
Rudy Rude said:
"considering the time & effort that went into that ride - and the focus on sticking to the rat rod ethic. I literally saved & refurbed every single part & screw thus character of my 70 year old Columbia, with the exception of the rear inner tube, which blew out at the stem upon inflation & the front axel which was toast & the valve caps which I swapped out for a set of red dice. My design additions were minimal: PBR caps in the handlebar ends to replace the missing jewels, 1/4" spikes/studs from my bulldogs collar in the seat upholstery, bookrack, and rear fender, a period correct rearview mirror, an axel mount rear facing reflector, a lucky 7 dice seat tube decal, and hours of time spent in disassembly, ironing out fenders, racks, baskets, design contimplation, a dozen rattle bombs, wet sanding, pin striping, clear coat, relube & reassembly!"

I hope you did that all for your own enjoyment, not for the recognition or adoration (not exactly punk rock, right? :wink: )

"I could have nabbed 50-100 votes just by tapping my musician friends, as they / we all owe each other within the DIY punk rock scene."

Go easy, my friend! You built a fantastic bike and actually get to RIDE it - enjoy!

Jeff aka "Rudy Rude"

Yeah, did it for myself. My street cred is safe. The opinions were just opinions, not meant to rock the boat or rain on anyones parade, as somebody else pointed out - based on how car shows/build off typically take place. They were just suggestions. No harm no foul. All the best.
Cool bikes this year, all winners in my list.

DEMOCRACY... greatest thing to have and cherish. One of the reasons I love this site, and RRBOs...
bighit said:
I will take the coon tail award if it's current holder grants it to me. Do you even know who that is? And yes I worked hard to make it look cool and it's at 75 votes tied for first. And I am planning my anything goes build off bike. And I am planning my RRBBO#6 bike. I didn't show up the last day with a 1 page post.

So maybe you should get some time under your belt before you start to insult peoples work. I know it's your opinion and your intitled to it. But if you want to dial up the creditiability maybe cut back on insulting peoples work.

Again, no insults meant, only opinions. Just ones guys opinions. I just wasn't able to remember the bikes who I felt should have received the ficticious coontail award...the two bikes I mentioned seriously tried hard to make their bikes look cool & succeeded. I'd take the coontail award!