Busy day today. Woke up to clear skies (well non-raining skies), so I knew I needed to get some painting done while I could.
First off, I Tape-O-Shopped a mock up of what parts of the tins I wanted to paint with the Duplicolor Metalcase Anodized Blue.
I was happy enough to move forward so I removed all of the rear tins and broke out my cutting pad, exacto, and straight ruler to make some 1/4" tape to use to mask off the tins. I can never find skinny masking tape, and this has always worked great.
MISTAKE NUMBER ONE - I painted the skirt guard in a pattern that they would have used at the factory.
Laid on the coats of Metalcast
It was a huge let down when I unmasked the skirt. There was now WOW factor, you couldn't really tell it was an anodized look, it was dark, and the pattern was so blah.
I knew this was going to be even worse on the chainguard, because it was darker and more aged than the skirts. Why did it suck?????? I've used this paint before on Flexy in BO7 and it looked great. OOPS!!!!!
MISTAKE NUMBER TWO!! - If you use Metalcast on chrome it looks great, Just like my little test fender did
BUT!!!!! If you use it on no chrome, even bare metal, there isn't enough of a shiny base beneath the paint to give it the anodized look. I forgot that when I painted the bare metal fork on Flexy, I first had to paint it with metallic silver paint as a base.