What have you been riding lately?

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Since I've been riding my new 29er at the pump track the past couple of weekends, J.C.Piggins has been squealing for a ride so we strapped in some good old fashion Rock 'n Roll and went for a cruise for a couple of hours yesterday. 🐷 🐖🐽
Took the young bloke and his mate to the Beenleigh skate park, Blue Meanie came along too,had most of it to ourselves, its primary use is a BMX park but wepeeps use all sorts here, council, believe it or not, leaves the lights on all night, helps with crime and helps kids prepare for the 2032olympics here in brisbane 😎
I rode the pump track for a couple of hours on Saturday but left my phone at home. No pics. 🤷‍♂️

I took my Graybeard John custom '41 Schwinn DX for the Old Bikes Club Bluz Cruz yesterday. February is Graybeard John Memorial ride and we had a good sized crowd!

I had to stop for a pic next to this bulldog that resembles John's dog, Fat Bob, who's dog tag hangs from the front of the seat.

We hada pizza party when we arrived at Washington Park!🥳 @Speed King sprung for the pizza and was great to see him & his lovely bike. Thanks Frankie!!👍👍

Since it was a special day we rode a couple of parking structures which makes me giggle like a school girl.🤣🤣🤪 This was up on the 8th level.

And a lineup of the Graybeard John bikes that were able to attend. Proud caretakers!

Since it was also my departed Dad's birthday, I treated everyone to ice cream at a place that makes their waffle cones when you order them. Nothing like a warm cone with handmade ice cream!

It was a great day of fun on a bike! :thumbsup:
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