What's your motivation?

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I use the builds to be motivated and have fun.
I have a problem just sitting around my brain works overtime all the time.
I have a addiction for wheels,and enjoy most styles of bikes out there.
Build-off 7
-was my first build-off ,I just wanted to be part of group who enjoyed bikes like myself.
At the time I liked Cafe Racers so '67' was the build.And didn't have many frames or parts at the time,so the idea was to build a bike from what junk I had.
Grabbing 26th place - I was happy being a girl in a boys world.
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Build-off 8
I was motivated by a fantasy limo style build.Also was very skull inspired. As it was the first year for the anything goes section.I could go crazy on design.And I did.
7th place - and started feeling part of the group.
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Build-off 9
I love old things,sidecars motorized bikes.So I wanted to step back in time with 'Blue Arrow and Minnehaha'
This build was featured around the torpedo tank to start with then came across a Arrow motorcycle pic that was just to cool.So I went with it.
2nd place - now I'm rolling with the big boys and have made some great connections with other builders.View attachment 10051
Winter Build-off 2015
First winter build,I just wanted to finish my dream bike,that had been in storage for 2 years.So the motivation was just get it done. And it happened.With a lot of support from fellow builders.
1st place - Now where do I go from here?
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Build-off 10
Love the vending bikes,so I am motivated that I could make a few to sell,to pay for my addiction.And I have to many wheels laying around.So time to make space and use them up.

Your continued efforts in your future builds will inspire others. I am always seeing on this forum how something can be done or undone. Your a great contribution to this community of bike enthusiast just as all members are too.
Motivation is something I struggle with. I've had a bunch of unpleasant distractions in my life in the past year and I want something positive to focus on, indeed, obsess over. I feel like my "have to" list is always trumping my "want to" list and life is to short to spend all your time doing what have to do. I want to just brush aside all the chores and drudgery in my life and do this. Easier said than done I know. Here's a link on motivation I found a while back when I couldn't seem to scrape my soul off the floor. Its filled with good and useful advice. http://startupbros.com/killing-the-7-motivation-murderers/
Motivation is something I struggle with. I've had a bunch of unpleasant distractions in my life in the past year and I want something positive to focus on, indeed, obsess over. I feel like my "have to" list is always trumping my "want to" list and life is to short to spend all your time doing what have to do. I want to just brush aside all the chores and drudgery in my life and do this. Easier said than done I know. Here's a link on motivation I found a while back when I couldn't seem to scrape my soul off the floor. Its filled with good and useful advice. http://startupbros.com/killing-the-7-motivation-murderers/
I do find that this hobby is an outlet for all of the stress from the day. Focuses you away from all of the BS in life. A radio is a must for me in the work space. Nothing better than doing what I enjoy and listening to the music I love.
I do find that this hobby is an outlet for all of the stress from the day. Focuses you away from all of the BS in life. A radio is a must for me in the work space. Nothing better than doing what I enjoy and listening to the music I love.
We're of the same mind my friend.
Building bikes is my stress and artistic outlet. My motivation lies within.

This site has done many positive things for me. I have met some great people, pushed my creativity further than I thought I could, and actually motivated my return to school to get a degree in mechanical engineering.

Speechless - I too have made lasting friendships (NERRB) as a result of joining this website - I wish you all the best in your studies and in earning that degree!
Motivation is something I struggle with. I've had a bunch of unpleasant distractions in my life in the past year and I want something positive to focus on, indeed, obsess over. I feel like my "have to" list is always trumping my "want to" list and life is to short to spend all your time doing what have to do. I want to just brush aside all the chores and drudgery in my life and do this. Easier said than done I know. Here's a link on motivation I found a while back when I couldn't seem to scrape my soul off the floor. Its filled with good and useful advice. http://startupbros.com/killing-the-7-motivation-murderers/
Wow! checked out the link above - Very good! thanks for posting - I'm gonna start cleaning up the garage - Today! :thumbsup:
"Overwhelm" is my demon.:android:
I would say my motivation for my Gasser build comes from a dream I had as a kid to have a unique bike with an extended fork. At that time I had no ability to weld, cut or shape steel, (or maybe just so very ignorant about how things are made) I remember cutting apart an old bike fork and jamming the legs over another fork and trying to hold it together with wood screws! :eek:
Anyways, after finding RRB in the net, now I have to turn this urge into reality.:)
Impatience is my demon. I often wish I had the patience to take what I'm doing to the next level, instead of always kind of doing the same thing I always do.
I read an article once that said paths get formed in the mind and remembered and the next time a similar situation comes up your mind follows the same path. Whats good about this is in an emergency situation the mind has a path to follow quickly. If you can take the time to study things, like how others designed around a bike build problem, adapt that into your design you change the path a little. :)
My motivation echoes pieces of most of what I've read here. First, I'm a computer nerd, but I've always loved building things. And, I've been wrenching on my own cars and motorcycles since I was 15...and come to think of it, adjusting my own bicycle since I was probably 10. So working with my hands is a hobby and release of all that techy-nerdy stress of the week.

So, all of the bikes I've built have been for family, basically. The first one was for me...and took six years for me to finish. I've built bikes for my oldest daughter, my son, my wife, and now I'm working on one for my oldest daughter again -- darn kids just keep growing!

And the build-offs... I read all the fun when I started hanging out here, and seeing what you all do inspires me -- I have less talent for this in my whole hand than some of you do in your little finger...but knowing what COULD be done makes me try harder.

My first BO was BO8, and it was a coincidence. I found a screaming Craigslist deal on an OCC chopper for my son...and it happened to be during the build-off. So we built it, father-and-son style, for the BO. And ideas from all of you made it better.

Now, BO-X is here, and it was another coincidence. My next build had to be for my oldest girl...and her birthday is Aug. 15, so I wanted something done by then. Got another Craigslist deal and just happened to be at the start of BO-X so here we are! And again, watching the fantastic stuff coming out of your workshops (and living rooms and outdoor workbenches) inspires me to try harder...or at least keep working on it.
My motivation is to be involved with the BO each year, whether as a builder or a spectator, just to see what Jake Sensi does with his action figures! It keeps me wanting more! He must have twice the free time as a retired person to be able to build a cool bike AND make killer action hero scenes!!
Thank you sir. I'm glad you enjoy the tomfoolery and building that I do. Free time...Ha..I'm running on all cylinders from 4:30 am to 9pm.. Free time...4 son's my Love, a cat,dog,bird, turtle, fish, daughter, nephews,grandkids, bike, job, hobbies.. Free time
Great question..I'm just starting to get into some of the discussion threads.

I've always liked bikes, then I had a kid and got the urge to get him some bikes I thought were cool then I decided I needed some stingrays so I started building some.

Since Nov of 2013 I've been building something. Once I bike is completed I get an almost uncontrollable urge to build the next bike. I got a little break with my own Scrambler by leaving it unfinished but it seems the bug has hit my since finishing The General Lee. The adreanalin just gets going and I have to gather everything I need for the next one.

My motivation for BOTEN was different. I had been enjoying my break from the building urge but my son was wanting this bike so bad. When he said he wanted Maxxis Holy Rollers on it I decided to put it in the build off. Mainly to just get in the mix to see what's going on. I'm blown away by the reactions and support recieved from you master builders.
When it comes to motivation, I have plenty of it. First, like most people on RRB, I want to build a cool bike that I will enjoy riding with, and showing off to, my friends. This in turn inspires my riding friends to customize their rides a little more so our crew looks unique to the other crews in our area. Added to that, the camaraderie that I feel when I see a cool build and feel like commenting on the post, and when someone comments or likes my post makes me feel part of something bigger....not necessarily a competitor but more like a teammate. That feeling has been lacking in my life since my 20's when I blew out my knee playing football, and until a few years ago when I found RRB, I hadn't really found something that I enjoy as much as football. Now, however, looking at, talking about, daydreaming about, and finally building the ratrod that I want to ride, helps to fill that void.

My first BO was BO8 and I built a musclebike that I still love, but am way too big to enjoy for lengthy rides. My motivation for that build was to get it done by the deadline and to learn the skills to fully put a bike together from parts I accumulated. I was humbled that 5 members thought that my bike was worthy of their vote, and the fact that I received positive feedback and encouragement from everyone that commented was a big factor in my entering BOX. I would've entered last year but I hadn't gathered the parts that I wanted for this years build, the Autumnic Dog, so I skipped BO9 so that the 26" cruiser that I had been daydreaming about could be fully realized and not just half-bummed.

This year I am also motivated to get more votes than I did in BO8. Not that it really matters though, as it is turning out to be exactly as I had been dreaming about, so the votes would be like cheese on a burger; not necessary, but extremely gratifying.

Finally I am motivated to take a great picture of my bike in my beautiful province. I hope it will inspire other members that have never been to Vancouver, B.C. to make it part of their future travel plans, and if I take a stunning enough picture, maybe I'll be blessed enough to make the calendar :21:
I can understand about the gigs! I had three this past weekend. One Friday night that kept me from hitting the bed until 3am and then two yesterday during the day. Because of that, my entire day yesterday was gone and it was perfect weather also!:(
All the gigs? Huh? I can't hang with you guys on this one. Oh - you meant work.

- by Gigmata