as long as the "bolt on" rear end does not involve cutting of the original frame then it is legal. it is a grey area i think someone last year brought up the idea of using a folding bike because you could take it apart and add whatever you wanted to the middle and as far as the rules are concerned would still be legal. again no matter how you try to make the rules there are grey areas thats why i brought up the pinstriping. personally i see it as an accessory and not the paint job on the bike. i think if anything making it truly legal will open it up like double nickle said to others who have not perfected it yet. because it would be a fair bet that those who can like myself, or say hot rod jen would have pinstriping on our bikes. actually the paint rule was started so that powder coating or "pro" car painted bikes would be kept out. does that make pinstriping "pro" and if so should it then be outlawed totally that would be the other way to handle it. i agree a poll should be done with those three choices. allow it done by others, allow it only by those who can on their own bikes, or ban it totally. dont mean to stir the pot but i have already received a few emails about it before i started talking about it and last year i had a bunch of jobs lined up for it then when a few were not sure and there was no clear answer i would not do them because i did not want to see someone get kicked out over it. ok i will step off my soap box now