where'd you username come from?

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my username is derived from my name and date of birth-

jon - Jonathan
vo- Van Oyen
4- April
5- 5th day of April
91- year I was born.


It's my email address, my old aim name, and my username on every forum I'm a member of. shout out a hello if you see me anywhere else.

also, in about 2nd grade, there were a few jons in my class, so I always had to specify which jon I was. I always wrote on my papers "Jon VO"
Kids eventually started calling me "Jonvo" (Pronounced "John Voe") and it also serves as a nickname for me to this day.
i grew up in Biloxi,Mississippi in the 60's until the mid 80's, when i moved to Texas and went to work i was known as "The Mississippi Kid" then it was shorten to "thekid"
mine came from my art. ima a freelance horror artist. iam also on the staff at damnation books. all my art has always made people wide eyed for its content and people started calling me "twisted" i added the mentality.
When we lived on Oa'hu, there was a Hawai'ian pop song "I'll Build You a Rainbow" by the group "Kapena". The boy in the song(Jaime) was called Big J by his dying mom, not 'cause he was a big guy, but because he had a big heart. My 10 year old daughter started calling me BigJ as a joke. It sort of stuck...
Mine stems from the orphan Ford EXP in my garage (a hard to find 1984 Turbo Coupe).

Back when I was active on the fordEXP website, "the EXP jawa" (obvious Star Wars reference) was what someone called me once, because of all the parts I'd squirrelled away. It stuck. I still have most of the parts, but I've gotten rid of all but one of the EXPs...
dragn_usa came around from my cousin because we used to race each other down a stretch of highway right outside our town then I was telling him about how long it took me one trip from VA to MO and he said. damn what was you trying to do drag race across the USA. So when I set up my first email I used Dragn_usa and then its changed meaning when I got my first dragon and havent stopped collecting them since
jonvo4591 said:
my username is derived from my name and date of birth-

jon - Jonathan
vo- Van Oyen
4- April
5- 5th day of April
91- year I was born.


Happy Birthday!!

Mahoy is my last name. I had a Flight Sergeant way back when I was active duty Air Force call me "Chips" one day because of the last name. It's been that ever since.

(and yes......i do like the cookies)
because I create MASTERPIECES! CrAzy bicyCles mostly. :wink: or maybe I'm just an artist in my own mind?
udallcustombikes said:
I live in Udall, KS and build custom bikes. Simple enough.
I dont get it.. oh.. ha ha.. no I dont get it.

Henry Morgan My favorite pirate. retired sailor, and a pirate looks at 50 ... and remember boys and girls..

to EEER human... to arrrgh is pirate