I was a fat baby. Had rolls like the Michelin man. Then I became a chunky kid, and then matured into a fat teen. One of my best friends had a super hot sister a few years older than us. She started calling me Pudgey. Fine with me since she used to practice her kissing skills on me in their kitchen when she first went to high school. I was supposed to grade her technique! She got an A every time! Anyway, she could call me anything she wanted, and since I never fought the moniker with my friends it just stuck! Eventually over time Pudgey morphed into Pugs, Pugsley, Puggles, and a few others before finally becoming the one syllable Pudge. Fast forward however many decades you want (I've been around over 4.5 of them) and I still have a roll around my middle so it's fitting. Hmmm, I wonder if that chick still likes fat guys! :mrgreen: