Who here is over 50?

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You young whipper-snappers are welcome on my lawn anytime.

Sheryl reminds me everyday that I feel younger than her, trophy wife that she is.............. :D :D :D

Life is indeed good, and messing with these bikes again has been a GOOD thing.

Thanks for all the info and encouragement you have given to this baby-boomer.

2.5 more years and SS here I come!

YeHaww !
50 until January. I've crammed a lot of cool stuff in my life so far and don't plan on slacking up anytime soon. Had a couple of setbacks healthwise in the last couple of years, but I'm still here! Got some big plans for 2011!
Turned 50 last June a few days after this pic was taken, still enjoy going out and tearing up the bmx track.
rolled over 52 last month. i feel pretty good now, though. which i attribute to getting back on a bicycle a year or two ago. gradually lost 30 pounds, etc.

i was surprised at how many elder folk are here, but i feel inspired by it!
55ColumbiaBuilt said:
Me too! I'm glad I started this thread. It's been fun reading, and it sends home the point with my wife that I'm not alone and we are a force to be reckoned with!

The only point you're sending to your wife is: Your not the ONLY "crazy" old man out there. :p :lol:
53 going on 25. Never stop rockin and riding!



and TDF
“You should be doing exactly what you want to do in life, how you want to do it, when you want to do it, otherwise you’re wasting your life and you’re wasting the talents that were given to you. Life is like a real precious short gift!”
i act like i should have grown up when you guys did, does that count? 8) no one else in my school knows who carl perkins is, except the teachers that is. :lol:
Carl Perkins .... George Thourogood coverd some of his stamdards......I think another band that coverd some of brother Carl 's stuff was a little band named Queen ... Coud be wrong on that. I didnt know that till I was already fitty +. all I'm gona say ... not admiting to anything.
Hope everyone got to much to eat this Turkey day.
Didn't get to go for the downtown Sacramento Ride Today .... Wish I could have. Oh well LOL.
Well here is what one old california guy dose for fun ... Its about 12:30 A.M. , About 29 degreze out
, and we will be getting suited up to make a 6 mile midnite ride in about 15 min ...... Return ride home .... WAHOOOOOO lol