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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. T

    BMX bikes.Lets see'em!!!

    how about a ol' school BMX'ER
  2. T

    cool neighbor

    wow ! looks like my wifes neighborhood crusier yes it is a cheaper bike ,but its her baby :mrgreen: she loves it
  3. T

    BMX bikes.Lets see'em!!!

    old ! old ! school,this is how it was done in the early to mid 70's! :D a couple of mine,that are long gone , but at least i found some pictures i had forgotten about
  4. T

    My new toy - Trek 7500 FX

    nice ! light and fast!
  5. T

    09 TREK 7.3FX

    Nice "FLAT BAR FLYER" nice color :mrgreen:
  6. T

    "For Ape Hangers Only" Club

    :roll: no pics :roll: for me
  7. T

    where'd you username come from?

    i grew up in Biloxi,Mississippi in the 60's until the mid 80's, when i moved to Texas and went to work i was known as "The Mississippi Kid" then it was shorten to "thekid"
  8. T


    i have read that before , lots of history there for sure,but 10 grand ? WOW :shock:
  9. T

    1969 Firestone 16 x 20

    waaay to many bikes in the background! :mrgreen: i now know who are, :D but GREAT SCORE ! on the one one in the front !
  10. T

    10 Bikes 1 Stop All Muscle Bikes

    S-C-O-R-E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...GOT TO LOVE THOSE MUSCLE BIKES
  11. T


    C-R-A-Z-Y-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...............Steve,just by living in the same area as you, i knew ! it was going to be a B-I-G DEAL , in the DFW area ! it's a honor for sure!,hats off to you and the mods!
  12. T

    Thoughts on a starter...

    lots easier for sure ! you could even get a 3 " inch meat between those tubes! just P-U-L-L !!!!!! :shock:
  13. T

    41'Westfield / Davega sporting goods NYC

    W-O-W !!! GREAT FIND AND SAVE ! 8) more pictures PLEASE!!
  14. T

    Thoughts on a starter...

    heres my wally world huffy after a few mods,slapped some drag bars on and moved the front fender to the rear ,great little crusier for the money , plus you do not have to worry about rusty bolts :D
  15. T

    Wife's Fresh Find Schwinn w/Bendix Automatic

    your wife ? great SCORE ! mark one up for the ladies :wink: you just think you are going to flip it , better ask her first :lol:
  16. T

    Your Favorite Current Production Bike?

    Rooski said it best ! :wink: heres my 1st generation "Fink"
  17. T

    Coker Monster 36er

    NICE ! I rode one of these a few months ago , a 36" tall tire Coker Unicycle,it even has a handbrake ! i need to start saving my pennies for sure ,this thing cost around $450 :shock: maybe one will pop-up on CL :lol:
  18. T

    Fix a cracking tire...???

    for display only ! a good thick black shoe polish will fill in "small" dry-rot cracks,then a small amount of flat spray clearcoat on top of it :?:
  19. T

    1947 CWC Fleet Photo Shoot

    WOW! :shock: that looks great ! 8)