After studying various pancake horn images, I am going to do something similar to a gangway horn. I'll put a star in the center with radial stripes.
Your horn fab is far superior to the Delta. Very cool.Got a long way on my starsNbars water can spout gangway pancake horn today.
Cut the back end off.
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I plan to use thic star concho that came from a yardsale belt. I'm leaving the star brass and have since painted the ring with the hammered black.
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Laid out my radial pattern and used my dremel cutoff blade.
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Did a little rough assembly
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These spring steel pieces from a portable bed are awesome to use for brackets and such. They are strong but flexible too.
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I still need to do some painting and additional tweaking, but this thing works and looks great to me.
Not bad compared to the real deal
Your horn fab is far superior to the Delta. Very cool.
Now that's sweet B!! Mad skills man!!
Awesome horn work King, that is just cool!
I love watching the fireworks through the spanish moss and oak trees from this spot. The camera doesn't pic up everything, but here are the best ones. Basically the same position for all of them. Not to bad for a cell phone camera though.
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Cell phone or not, you sure do know how to set up a photo. I mean, your bike looks great, but you could make even a stock Magna would look cool with your photography skills.
I'm pretty sure I can make any bike look pretty terrible with my attempts at setting up nice shots....
The horn is acenice work...Love some of those pics,some great shots...
That's funny. I don't consider myself a good photographer. I'm just lucky to live in such a beautiful city that is loaded up with nice backdrops.
Yeah, you're probably right. StarsNbarS'd probably look like crap if you took a picture of it up in Dirty Jersey.![]()
Props for that horn, Brian. Nicely done, sir.