A-Frame Garden Shed built from preused wood and pallets

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Today I finalized the mechanics of the swing up roof.
I replaced the raw slats with pieces of the same wood I built the frame out of (parts from an IKEA Kura bed), installed shiny new hinges and latches to avoid the posts collapsing accidentally.
First some pictures from the process:






And now everything in motion:
Swing up roof final.gif

From the inside:

From outside:

Todays full video:
After a two weeks break due to bad weather conditions I spent some time in the garden today and managed to get the roof done.
First I added some trim to the A-beam left of the swing up roof. This took a few attempts ot trial and error and I needed to readjust the tranparent panels. But now the roof closes of pretty thight (I completely forgot to take a picture of the finished trim... 🤦‍♂️)


I also added the rubber cover for the gap in the top left corner.

After that I went at the rain gutters to work them into roof toppers. The opening width of the gutters was around 15 cm, but I needed 22 cm. So I had to flaten out all the rounded and folded edges. Without professional tools this took a lot of time..



But I managed to convince the gutters to become toppers. :wink1:


In the end I ran out of screws long enough to fit the rear side of the toppers to the roof, but from the front it looks done, so I call the roof done!
(the screw problem will be solved tomorrow)

And here's todays video:
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Here's the picture of the side trim:

And the rear of the roof topping with the longer screws (5x100 instead of 4,5x65):


Working on the door now...
Today I first finished off the roof by fixing the topping with the longer screws I had purchased yesterday.
Then I finally replaced the standard screws that acted as pivot axles for the swing up roof with some sturdy 8mm bolts and added some washers to create a little gap inbetween the swing frame and the beams.
The bolts:

Before (the screw was already bent, when I took it out):


Much better now! And also the collapsing post got thicker bolts!

With the roof finally out of the picture (for now), I set my mind onto refurbishing the door for the left side of the shed.
I had to shorten it a bit anyway to fit my shed, so I got rid of the rotten part ob the bottom.

In the making:

Then I milled out all the rot in the doorhandle area and fitted a piece of spare wood as replacement. This area will later get covered with a small metal plate anyway.


Then I added a bit of trim along the outside edges of the front to close the nook running along the sides (you can see it on the next picture). I will cover this with wood trim later. The door opened to the inside in its former life and I want to open it to the outside, so there is a lot of trimming and adjusting necessary.
With this done I mounted the wire brush onto the drill and went at it. When I had to stop after two hours (to pick up the car at the workshop), the first half of the frontside was done and a lot of the brush gone...

...and (me and) the drill got a nice shade of green.

And of course there is also a video of todays work:
Today I continued to work on the green door. I went through 3 brushes, got the outside done and the edgy parts of the inside. The flat surfaces I'll try with the sander.
I also trimmed down the edge trim I added yesterday, as it was around 3mm to high.
Outside done:

Working the inside now:

Went through 3 brushes today:

This afternoon I also made a good score that will let me move forward a lot faster. I got my hands on a large batch of flooring for free (the lady even offered me a coffee when I picked it up). I made two hauls with my car, in the hope that I got enough for the floor and the left wall. If I need more, she has a lot more planks stored away in her garage...
My car half loaded:

All the planks layed out on the right I took with me:

A lot more in the garage:

My new pile behind the shed:

By the way: They had to rip out all this flooring due to possible bomb damage from second world war! As they bought the house the static expert needed to check the beams, so the flooring of the complete second floor had to be taken out.... German rules...
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"It has stood fast for over 75 years. We'd better tear it down to see if it is strong."
Makes bureaucratic sense.
Germany and in particular Berlin practically invented bureaucracy... Some office or counter clerks here still act as if they are members of the prussian guard! :bigboss::headbang:
Had a similar occurence with our plant safety officer. A piece of equipment I used had to be destroyed because a decade ago I wrote in it with permanent marker.
"We have no way of knowing if that marker would cause it to deteriorate at some point."
Nothing had happened in ten years, but they replaced it with a second hand unit of inferior quality. I'm a big fan of Kafka, but prefer reading him to living though it.
Today I managed to get the beams for the left door in place (the door isn't done yet, only placed it for testing the right spot for the second beam).

Next item on todays list were the additional beams for the flooring:

Then I dug out the final hole for the underfloor storage:

And I also got the frame for the little cellar door in place:

Tomorrow I'll try to start building the trap door for the little cellar.
Or I might finally get "The Wolverine" street ready and take it for a spin.
We will see....
First task for today was to get The Wolverine street ready. With this and other things out of the way I headed to the garden (took a little 12 km detour to get some dust on that bike :wink1: )


In the garden I built the frame for the trap door:



After that I started trying to figure out if the flooring will be enough for floor and wall. Let's say, that it looks promising. I decided to go with a two red one green(ish) pattern on the floor, as this works best with the long flooring I've got:


The remaining pile will be enough for the left wall:

After a two weeks break due to bad weather conditions I spent some time in the garden today and managed to get the roof done.
First I added some trim to the A-beam left of the swing up roof. This took a few attempts ot trial and error and I needed to readjust the tranparent panels. But now the roof closes of pretty thight (I completely forgot to take a picture of the finished trim... 🤦‍♂️)
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View attachment 190242
I also added the rubber cover for the gap in the top left corner.

After that I went at the rain gutters to work them into roof toppers. The opening width of the gutters was around 15 cm, but I needed 22 cm. So I had to flaten out all the rounded and folded edges. Without professional tools this took a lot of time..
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View attachment 190245
But I managed to convince the gutters to become toppers. :wink1:

View attachment 190246
In the end I ran out of screws long enough to fit the rear side of the toppers to the roof, but from the front it looks done, so I call the roof done!
(the screw problem will be solved tomorrow)

And here's todays video:

Hey Swiss guy, been away for a while, FORCED time out, but really love the progress you've made to date... Wish i had the skills and talents it takes to construction such a COOOOl shed.. Build on... Razin..
Germany and in particular Berlin practically invented bureaucracy... Some office or counter clerks here still act as if they are members of the prussian guard! :bigboss::headbang:
I thought they got rid of the GESTAPO years ago? Oh well, We got same stuff going on over here too.. Their called BUILDING PERMITS..... Looking good so far.. Razin...
Hey Swiss guy, been away for a while, FORCED time out, but really love the progress you've made to date... Wish i had the skills and talents it takes to construction such a COOOOl shed.. Build on... Razin..
It's similar to building a bike: You start with an idea and if you're determined enough, you develop/learn the skills necessary to reach your goal. :wink1:
Today I cut all the floor boards to size, then I started to lay down the first few boards (after I put the vapor barrier in place). I managed to get to the first door post.


Before putting the boards in place you have to clean the edges from old paint and dust, that got caught in the gaps. Otherwise you cannot manage to get a tight and even fit...


Today and Yesterday I was working on various parts of this project. Yesterday I did the flooring onto the middle beam. Then I prepped the little cellar so that my older kid could build the wall with bricks and mortar. I built a very basic scaffold as a guide for him and layed down the first layer of bricks. From there on he continued.



Today I started to close up the left wall, while the kid was putting brick on brick. He almost made it to finish the top row, when we ran out of mortar...
A bit the same as me. I made it onto the top of the door until a ran out of (nice looking, usable) planks...



Tomorrow I'll have to check if the donor of the last batch of flooring has some more boards available or if she has already given away all I left behind. We will see if I'm lucky... 🤞🤞
If not, I have (hopefully) put aside enough board to finish the floor as soon as the cellar is done. Then I'll have to check online markets again for more boards...


and today:

Luck is not with me today: rainy weather, somewhat torn shoulder, and the remaining floorboards from my last donour are all gone already as is the other batch that was put online on tuesday to give away for free. So it looks like I'll have to finish the floor first and then look what's left. Maybe I can piece something together or another batch shows up and if not there is still the option to buy some boards. But usually if they are for sale, they come with a hefty priece tag or you have to take several squaremeters at once and I only need about 1,5 sqm...
We will see what tomorrow brings, at least the weather forecast doesn't announce rain....
I'm still on the hunt for decent flooring boards. In the meantime I took care of other stuff. Yesterday I finished the cellar wall. I still need to close the gap between the top of the wall and the underfloor construction, but besides that the little cellar/cooler is done.


Today I got the flooring done. As before I put a vapor barrier onto the beams first and then started to puzzle together the flooring boards. Luckily I had enough shorter boards so this worked pretty good.
What a lot of time was the last board. It needed a lot of tweaking until the trap door could be fully opened. The rear edge of the door doesn't look pretty, but will be hidden most of the time anyway.


But now the flooring is finally done and I really like the look!


If I can manage to get to the garden tomorrow, I'll start cleaning the boards and scraping off all those carpet leftovers and dirt... (last sunday I got told off by the neighbors because of the hammering noise, but doing cleaning work should be ok on a sunday)

Todays little video:

(last sunday I got told off by the neighbors because of the hammering noise, but doing cleaning work should be ok on a sunday)
Well, if they are into The Sabbath, crank this up for them today:

They may even ask you to go back to hammering on The Sabbath.
Still no flooring, and a lot of other things to do (weekly shopping, taking kids to and from sport) and the wife complained about the garden looking like a mess. So I cleaned up a bit and moved all the remaining building materials behind the shed.
I also built a little mini shed from pallets to store firewood:


Then I took care of that heap of pallet leftovers:

That's how it looked this afternoon:

I just cut off everything that had nails in it...
Next weekend I have to get rid of the remaining wood blocks from the pallets. I think a quick drive to the local recycling center will take care of that.
Some landscaping work was pretty high up on the honey-do-list. Got that sorted out today...

Next items on MY list are:
Getting the green door finished and mounted and then getting rid of that ugly worktable...

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