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Oooh! Yeah, that's gonna look phenomenal.

One of the two rear wheels is together. Still need to punch and drill the other one.
That EL wire is gonna be slick!!!
And the width and spoke pattern on the rear is awesome!!!!
Sorry for your loss. Hope the bike work takes your mind off of things.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My little guy has turned a corner and is
beginning to show his years now. The Vet said it best, "The onus is on us,
because we know what is happening." Sigh, yeah. It socks. 🥺
I am loving this build, so keep up with the great work. 👍
I've only cried harder a couple of times in my life other than the day our Dusty crossed over. Cherish the years you had together.

Looks like you are making progress on the wheel lacing. That is one monumental task!
I'm sorry to hear about your loss. My little guy has turned a corner and is
beginning to show his years now. The Vet said it best, "The onus is on us,
because we know what is happening." Sigh, yeah. It socks. 🥺
I am loving this build, so keep up with the great work. 👍
Thank You I appreciate it. I hope your little.guy makes it way longer than anyone could expect.

She was a best friend for a short time in our lives and we were her best friends for all of hers...

I've only cried harder a couple of times in my life other than the day our Dusty crossed over. Cherish the years you had together.
I resemble this as well. With honey we had more years than with any of our other Dane's in the past. She was blind for the last 5 years. She could see for the other 6-1/2 when she was younger. Such a great dog.

Looks like you are making progress on the wheel lacing. That is one monumental task!
That monumental task is done. Glad for that the thumb arthritis surgery in the fall. Was able to complete without being in hand pain for days afterwards.

It seems the 3 meter lights are long enuff for one side on the wheel. So I ordered two more. Will end up splicing the plug into a single per wheel. Maybe replace with an 18650 if the EL can handle it.


With a tire on the 26x5s the result is almost as tall as the 29x3s.
She was a best friend for a short time in our lives and we were her best friends for all of hers...
That’s what I tell my wife when she yells at me for spoiling the boys. We are their whole world for their whole life. Treat them as such

Chin up friend ❤️