how long is the voting going to run for this time around? a week like last year?
karfer67 said:how long is the voting going to run for this time around? a week like last year?
ej599 said:SUBLIMINAL
sorry, i couldn't help myself..:lol:
vibr8shun said:I have no shame:roll:
vibr8shun said:
FunkyStickman said:vibr8shun said:I have no shame:roll:
I'm not ashamed to say I really love your bike. It just oozes creativity, and the chainguard makes everybody I show it to laugh. And yes, I voted for your bike. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
:lol: :lol: :lol: That is so funny :lol: you maybe right...but the one my uncle has is made of tin steel :mrgreen: not woodherr_rudolf all know these hawaiian-geetars were made out of sollid...
That was too funny :lol: :lol: :lol: I think he just coined a new word...I cant wait to use it when the situation calls for itfenderhole said:
karfer67 said:man maybe i need to do something like that?