Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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powder coating is out i guess always has. i am really excited this year i got some really nutty ideas rolling around my head we will see how many stick. good luck to all and i love seeing all the new members in it this year. lets try and get them ALL done
I was thinking about one of the rules 6. bike must be ridable , well it seems like the finished builds last year never had alot of the builds never had a picture of the owner riding the bike, just curious is this something that should be addressed :?
Okay, I was just sitting on mine, but...
Lots of neat ideas in the works for this build off. Should be real interresting as the projects take shape.

I keep looking at a certain fork and a certain pair of wheels I bought over a year ago and it's so tempting to join but I've still got the unfinished Cadillac bike, the Colson Decoliner custom frame going on, not to mention a huge honey-do list for this summer.
it is one of those (if you think it is unrideable then call them out on it and prove it sorta things) i was asked that when i did the ratty truck that won in 07 because of the bar setup and even after showing it was i still was questioned. the same went for the galt town hooligan in 09 and i tried to prove that by taking her out on many second sat rides.
im waiting to see how many builds end up with a jerald sulky tire on the back this year! :shock: i`ll bet they made some bucks from us bicycle types. :lol:
newbie question / comment.

if this is RRBBO # 6.... why are there only RRBBO 1 and 2 in the archives ???

( inquiring minds need to know, or at least ideas, lol ) ..

~ AL
Green Dragon said:
newbie question / comment.

if this is RRBBO # 6.... why are there only RRBBO 1 and 2 in the archives ???

( inquiring minds need to know, or at least ideas, lol ) ..

~ AL

Click on Archives, then it opens up a whole forum with everything, including all of the build offs

Guess for some reason I never clicked the header on 'archives' , just went to the highlighted subforums from the front page.

my bad.

( maybe they were kept hidden , so now I have to look through em all and take time off from my build 8) )
Rat Rod said:
skillsthebarber said:
Is it ok if we have some parts powdercoated? I know we need to paint ourself, but what about powdercoating?

Sorry...rattle can only by the builder.
Rule 9 doesn't say anything about rattle can
9. Paint must be applied by builder...pinstripping by someone else is acceptable.
I know we need to paint ourself
I do usually paint myself more than I paint the bike
less than a week and 7 pages come on steve thats about right. but greg does bring up a good point how many need to be produced before a frame is considered "production?" i am amazed no one has entered a basman or a firebike, or a roth. it is a grey area but one of those things that there should be some sort of ruling on. production to me is at least 10 frames that are identical and anyone can buy one. thats my 1/2 cent on that. :p

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