Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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Or I can refund your money for the one you bought...either way I'm cool.
kingfish254 said:
Rat Rod said:
Okay got the job...and the shirt. :wink:

Unless of course you're illiterate and it takes me 4 hours to clean up your list. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm on it boss!! Hey and you can save on shipping by combining it with the one that I ordered. :mrgreen:

Hey, can I selectively weed out the competition with my list? LOL
Nuttin Fancy should be at the top of the list built by yours truly Big Kountry that way I can get a few of the first votes Kingsniper with the top spot
For any of you that have long build names and you want to clarify what your actual build name is, please PM me.
Most of them are pretty easy to determine, but let me know.
kingfish254 said:
For any of you that have long build names and you want to clarify what your actual build name is, please PM me.
Most of them are pretty easy to determine, but let me know.
are you done yet? :lol:
pick said:
kingfish254 said:
Do I win anything for sniping the top spot in the Finished thread?? :p

Poke in the eye with a sharp stick???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was fun while it lasted. CCR as a moderator still posted so SchwinnRay is on top.

Peat, it will be correct in the list. I can't edit the thread itself though.
I'm just surprised I managed to stay on page one with all the bumpin and squeezin goin on... Them boys on pages 2 & 3 don't stand a chance!
Peatbog said:
kingfish254 said:
pick said:
Poke in the eye with a sharp stick???? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It was fun while it lasted. CCR as a moderator still posted so SchwinnRay is on top.

Peat, it will be correct in the list. I can't edit the thread itself though.

Thanks. Doesn't matter that the thread is wrong.

I fixed it as best as I could, I think we should award him 2 pokes and gut shoot 'em just to be fair.
Rat Rod said:
Here's a BIG FAVOR I need from someone ...worthy of a free T-shirt. :D

I need someone to compile a list for me in alpha orde of all of the bike names with the builder's name in parenthesis next to it.

In this format...

1. Bike Name (Builder Name)
2. Bike Name (Builder Name)
3. Bike Name (Builder Name)

The key is that you MUST NOT miss any bikes and you need to make sure the alpha order is correct.

Do I have a volunteer?

Here you go Steve.

1. 1952 Hornet (50DueceDaddy)
2. 64 Gasser!!!! (Houndog)
3. '67 (Funkme)
4. American Immigrant - The American Immigrant (EasyRider420)
5. Apple of my Eye (FatBoy)
6. ATOMIC PUNK (bean)
7. Bad Fish (slowriderz)
8. Barney Fife (450redrider)
9. Below Radar (Brentley)
10. better late than never.. built it my way (motorcitygearjammer)
11. Bishop - The Bishop (justride)
12. Black bike (deorman)
13. BOARDER PATROL (Chips_Mahoy
14. BonniRocket (expjawa)
15. Brightliner (brett4christ)
16. BULL DAWGED (rlhender)
17. CCM Beauté Noire (jamaces)
18. Cherry Bomber (dogdart)
19. Chicks need love too (Retro Rat Rog)
20. Coast King Murray ([email protected])
21. Copper King 2012 (
22. Dakota Bandit (Oneuglybike)
23. DEVIANT (Lugisland)
24. Devil's Darling (skiptooth7)
25. DMB "Smooth Rider" (abosley)
26. El Moco Mojado (Cuan)
27. Eliminator (Peatbog)
30. Fisch's 20-inches of AWESOME! (Fisch)
31. Flex-Liner 7 (kingfish254)
32. For Autumn (hardcore73)
33. Forward look - The Forward look (Mr. Kool)
34. Frisco bobber (Scootbomb)
35. FULL TILT BOOGIE (texasbigjon)
36. GEORGE BARRIS DragStripper MUSCLE BIKE Psychedelic DRAGSTRIP (tanksalot)
37. Green With Envy- A 1955 Huffy Rat (someguy83)
38. Hammered Higgins (MazdaFlyer)
39. Hex53 (tvc15)
40. HiaWhatThe!!!!! (Xcruiser)
41. Higgins the German Spy (yoothgeye)
42. HodgePodge All Pro (Green P1)
43. honey badger (beatcad)
44. Hood Rat (deven_science)
45. Hot Rod Columbia (65rat)
47. Hot Rod Higgins (Terry66)
48. Huffy HOP-UP (Skipton)
50. I've Got My Spine, I've Got My Orange Crush (p00r0ldlu)
51. Jacked Up Pilot (MplsCoaster)
52. JAGUARAT - THE JAGUARAT (killingevilnine)
53. LACKLUSTER (Critter1)
54. Last Ditch Effort (Missing Link)
55. Lil Boy Rat Rod Bike (AtomicSwan)
56. LOCO-CYCLE (raggedjim)
57. Long Black Train (menzorro)
58. MAD MAX (subadrew)
59. MADD DAWG (dirtydawq)
60. Manta Race (Bane)
61. MoFaux (fordsnake)
62. Momma's Boy (bpellham)
63. MONSTER HIGGINS (ndaway)
64. MOSBY'S RAIDERS (bike2112)
65. Murray's Revival (srdavo)
66. New School (bighit)
67. Nuttin Fancy (big kountry)
68. OBSCURED (highship)
69. Old Skool Kool (oldy57)
70. Ole Blue (Scrapirondesigns)
71. Paint it Black (yeshoney)
72. POCA RATA (pick)
73. Project Purple (kingsting)
74. Purple Reign (socal_jack)
75. QuickSilver (udallcustombikes)
76. Rat Klunker (FunkyStickman)
77. Rat Salad (streetpirate)
78. RHUBARB RAIDER (Gold Street Customs)
79. RIDGE RUNNER XXX (PeterBuilt)
80. Roadmaster to Roadgrader (recycledbikez2)
81. Rock Bottom (bebopblu)
82. Rock You Like a Hurricane (mitchelangelo)
83. rugrat ride along (jats)
84. Sarcasmatron (sensor)
85. Schwindian (Diabolical_Dork)
86. Seminole - The Seminole (ifitsfreeitsforme)
87. Shakedown (mrflagman)
88. SideHacked! (JoKeR63)
89. Simple rat (charliechaindrive)
90. Smokin' in The Boyz Room (EastOfEastLos)
91. SOUL CATCHER (dragnusa)
92. Speed Chief (evalu8r)
93. STEAM BOY (54shadow)
94. Strait Steal (Heavy Pedal)
95. Tales from the Crypt (52hawthorne)
96. Terrible Tiger (Illiterite Wino)
98. Time Twister (Joker-n-Jack)
99. Trussworthy (Kreep)
100. TWENTY2 (RonK)
101. Typhoon (MONARKofSoCal)
102. Ubernaturlich (ChrisMac)
103. Uncle Touchy's Back Roads Bomber (aka_locojoe)
104. Upside Down Xcess (jerrykr)
105. Vulture Wing (vermodreary)
106. Wrap Rod (Rotton)
Wow, I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to add pictures after the deadline time. I just thought you had to have a finished picture up. For future reference you might want to include that information in the build-off rules
Here's your chance to build the ultimate Rat Rod Bike.

Follow the rules below and have fun! We're keepin' this thing pretty loose so don't get yourself in a knot. :shock:

Participants should use their thread as a journal including write ups and photos.

1. You can only enter one bike in the build off (can change bikes once if needed)
2. Start a new post and use the bike name as the Subject.
3. Must use factory altering of original frame structure/geometry
(grinding off fender tabs and cutting seat tube height is okay, just no major frame design changes).
4. Bike must not already be built.
5. Must include before, progress, and after photos (all in one thread please)
6. Bike must be ridable.
7. Use any parts you rat = mo bettah!
8. Parts can be attached any way you wish (includes welding).
9. Paint must be applied by builder...pinstripping by someone else is acceptable.
10. Don't ask a bunch of goofy questions trying to get around the rules...just build a cool bike and have fun.
11. KEEP IT CHEAP...remember...IT'S A RAT ROD!!!!

You must post your completed bike in the "FINISHED RRBBO7" forum
by 9:00 p.m. CST, August 6, 2012.


Now get ta buildin'!
Joker-n-Jack said:
Wow, I didn't realize that I wouldn't be able to add pictures after the deadline time. I just thought you had to have a finished picture up. For future reference you might want to include that information in the build-off rules

Same here, i was hoping to post higher quality images later on, is there any kind of grace period for adding photos before voting? If i remember correctly i think the forum was unlocked once voting began, or was it after it finished...? I'm just echoing the wish of more/better photos.
I think you could add the better pictures to your build thread. If someone is really interested in your bike I would hope they would read the build thread. I know I am going to re-order some of my pictures to get them "unburied" in the thread.

Just a thought, Rg
I think the main reason for lock down is to remove the possibility of people from doing more finish work and posting better pictures with the post deadline work showing up. I am not saying that any of us would do that, but it removes that possibility.

Like RG said, you can add photos to your build forum.
I love the Finished bike gallery that udall put together!

It's funny that Steve's response to it auto-corrected yoothgeye's name to tooth feet. Is that a side effect of foot in mouth disease? :p

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