I was busy this weekend working on 3 different saddles. Two are Troxels and one is a Schwinn Messinger. The tan Troxel has its original cover but, the bottom pan and suspension were worked on by a previous owner and needed some work. The chrome springs came off of another very rough Troxel that is still in the process of being done. The black Troxel was completely redone. The nose of that seat looks a little off because I double wrapped it to add some durability, now I've decided to just completely double cover all future seats. The black seat has seen some miles since being done and its nice and comfortable. The Messinger is for the 1956 Schwinn Streamliner I'm currently restoring. Messinger used a thick pad of rubber for the cushion, very interesting and unexpected. I was able to save it and reuse it. I'm happy with how these saddles came out and I've learned some things for future restos. I'm honestly thinking of offering my services up here and on the other bike forums. Its fun to do and I think they came out pretty darn nice.