Dudley Mass. Swap 11/30

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Yeah Rick, that green Rambler of yours finally came home with me. Along with that elusive "bike speedometer" you teased me with for years. We all picked through your scraps and found some good stuff.

Oh Crap, I kept it from you almost as long as you procrastinated buying it before I stepped in and bought it for peanuts. I hope he got a good $ from you.
Oh Crap, I kept it from you almost as long as you procrastinated buying it before I stepped in and bought it for peanuts. I hope he got a good $ from you.
Haha, as I recall you just happen to be johnny on the spot that day. I wish I had the chance to buy it for what you paid. As it was, I paid a whole lot more than you did, but Brian took care of me.

Then I showed Dave and reminded him that he was the guy that you bought it from. Lol.
Pics or it didn't happen! ;):21:

Here are the pics of the side trip score.... My uncle had a black and white Fire Arrow as a kid.... He told me ages ago to keep my eyes out for one.... This one needs parts , and it has been Uglified with house paint.... SO a color change wouldn't be a bad thing.... I think I will surprise him for Christmas ( Ill give it to him in it's current condition.... It'll be fun for him to " rebuild " his old bike for old times sake )


Oh ,I'm late! I came off the Cape w/o gps or map and got lost:cry:
But I did ride bikes w/ Greylock in Brewster,met his bike guy,Rick.
Pete is dealing w/ medical stuff so wish him well if you get a chance.
See ya this weekend if I can find Webster:crazy:...Stevil