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deorman: I'm just getting in gear! :lol:

FOUND OBJECTS: You're very welcome! Cool, looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with! :)

I've started painting the frame and fork. In primer.

I'll spray paint and clearcoat this evening.

I had to make a new little plug thing for the bikestand, because the original piece was cracked. I had my doubts that fiberglass would work very well for it because it would have to be wrapped around the stand's small diameter and it would probably not stay in place while the resin cured. I decided to give it a try anyway, since thge worst thing that could happen was that it would turn out rubbish and I'd just have to make the piece some other way.
I filed grooves in the bikestand to make sure that the resin had something to hold on to and th end plug wouldn't fall off after a while. Then I went to work with the resin and fiberglass strips, and as I had thought the fiberglass wouldn't hold it shape properly. I tried to think if I had any string to wrap around the fiberglass, but could remember bringing any with me to the cabin, and there was no time to start looking around for any because by the time I might have found some the resin already might have started to set. I had to solve the issue quickly with something I had at hand. When I clean the brush after applying resin I dry it off on some toilet paper, so I had a roll of that where I keep the rest of the fiberglassing stuff. So, here's what I made from toiletpaper: :D

I tore strips of paper and folded them around some small strips of fiberglass, soaked them with resin and wrapped them around the leg of the bikestand. Applied more resin with a brush and wrapped tape around it all to make sure it held together while curing.

Here it is sanded to shape. After this I applied some more resin to get a smooth surface.

I don't know what to say really, but toiletpaper turned out to work perfectly for this. :lol:

I hope to be back with more paint updates soon!
Thanks guys!! :D I'm git'n r done! :wink:

I've been keeping busy painting and a few other things that needed some attention (grease knuckle :roll: ).

My paint booth: :lol:





The frame and fork are done, but I seem to have forgotten to take photos of those. Oh well, you'll see them when I start assembling the bike...

I think I mentioned that I adjusted the my logo to fit my idea for this bike, here's what I did to it.

I had forgotten to bring the camera to the cabin when I did the first two steps of painting the logo on the chainguard. So what's missing in these photos are the base colour for the logo( silver) and the second layer( dark grey and blue). I masked each layer with tape and cut it with a sharp knife.
Here's after the third layer which was siler and blue.

Here's the final layer, the white highlights...and about a third of my feet. :D

After clearcoat I'll paint black outlines with a brush.

Another thing that has kept me occupied was sanding down scratches on the handlebars and polishing that and the stem and bikestand to a nice shine. Right now I leave no fingerprints on anything, they're sanded off as well. :lol:
Here you can see the difference between the unpolished end of the bars and the polished middle part.

I've finished the seat too! :)

I slipped with the pliers when I was putting in one of the rivets. :|

I've started clearcoating the rest of the parts, but ran out of clearcoat. I'll buy more on monday. More to come! :)
got any advice or websites i should check out to learn about fiberglass? where to get supplies ect. Thanks
btw, im enjoying this build, looking real good
Davey B
Here is a place you should be able to mail order from. They also have a" how to" section on the web site.
I use to buy stuff here all the time but it has been a few years. They are very knowledgable.
davy B said:
got any advice or websites i should check out to learn about fiberglass? where to get supplies ect. Thanks
btw, im enjoying this build, looking real good

Check: http://www.fibreglast.com they have tons of stuff and I boughtfrom them a lot for a car project, including carbon fiber, books, videos, etc.

I would have never thought about toilet paper with fiberglass resin! LOL for parts that are under compression stresses only the fiberglass is not that important since the resin is what resists compression, for parts that do have tension you absolutely need the fibers since the resin alone would crack. It's the same principle as reinforced concrete where you mix the cement and the steel bars.

If you don't want fiberglass to stick to something (or to your workbench for example) you can use cellophane plastic. As always you have great craftsmanship and original ideas, I want to see that bike finished!!
g-ratter: thanks, im looking at the products now

2WheelFlyer: good to know, could i use carbon fiber cloth inplace of the fiberglass or is that a different method? i prefer to learn with trial and error but seeing as how ill have to buy a whole kit before i can start i need to do alot of reserch, thanks for the link!
carbon fiber is expensive compared to fiberglass cloth so unless it is being used for structure such as a frame most of the time it would be a waste of money.
g-ratter said:
carbon fiber is expensive compared to fiberglass cloth so unless it is being used for structure such as a frame most of the time it would be a waste of money.
i was thinking of making an old road bike frame more aerodynamic. there should be a thread about this in the 'bike talk' section, i feel like im taking attention away from Galtbackens build.
aka_locojoe: Thank you!!

davy B: Thanks for your kind comments! I don't have any good advice on websites to visit, I've pretty much just surfed around on youtube and watched a few videos on the subject. Most stuff you'll find on youtube (at least most of what I found) is about how to make moulds or car stereo related stuff, door panels etc.
What I tend to do is learn by doing. I look around if there's some info I can find about what I want to try my hands at, just to get a brief insight on the subject, then I try to get an idea what the properties of the material I want to use are, how I imagine it to behave ("what's likely to happen if I do like this?" and that kind of thinking :) ) then I give it a try. After that I get going with what I want to try and make and then new ideas of how to be able to make other stuff will arise when I see how the material works and when my skills with it evolve. I also put alot of trust to my own intuition, I go with my feeling.
So, if I where you, I'd buy some polyester resin and hardener, some fiberglass cloth and have faith in my own imagination and ability. Give it a try, you'll get the hang of it! :)

deorman: Haha, yeah it's equipped with the biggest fan ever! :lol:

FOUND OBJECTS: Thanks!! Getting closer to the finish line every day now!

2WheelFlyer: I surprised even myself with that toilet paper trick! :lol: I wouldn't use it instead of fiberglass where strength is needed, since it's exactly as you say, for those applications you need the glass fibers to reinforce the resin. But for a simple thing like the end of a bikestand it turned out great! :D

Yeah, cellophane plastic works great! I wrapped the headlight foam shape with food wrap to be able to get the finished fiberglass shell off it when it had cured. :)

char: Thanks man!! I love my paint booth!! It's spacious, well ventilated but not dust free, and it rains straight into it when the weather bad! :lol: But, when the weather is nice, the sun is my work light! :D

Oldspeed: Thank you very much! When you come to Sweden you're most welcome to come for a visit. I'll make sure to have some coffee on for you! :)

I don't have any new photos right now. I've just bought more clearcoat and am about to finish clearcoating the remaining parts. I'll take some more photos when I have painted the stripes... :)
Galtbacken do not mean to hijack your thread but I do have a bite of experience with fiberglass. Building windsurfing boards,made molds and pulled parts. Mostly using polyester resins.
So if any one has questions i will try and answer them just PM me.
Now back to the master work-Fairlady

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