First Ride in 50+ years: 2023 Update

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A Race and A Ride

Thanks Luke, you are so right!
Thanks Jerry and Randy, FIL rode like it was yesterday :):)

So last Sunday was Mother's Day and a belated well wishes to all the Moms!!
It's time for my annual shameless plug for "Race for the Cure" Twin Cities Run/Walk to raise money and show support for breast cancer treatment.

The 5K race started first and ~7000 runners (and me) had great weather:) It's both sad and happy to see so many runners with signs on their backs "In Loving Memory of: Mothers, Sisters, Aunts and Grandmas, but very happy to see many "In Celebration of (survivors) signs too. I know at least 3 survivors in the last few years due to the new methods and drugs that has come of of research funded by these events all over the country. The Twin Cities group (~27,000 total) raised ~$2.5 million :):):)

I lost my Mom 10 years ago (pancreatic cancer) but for about 10 years before that, I did "Race for the Cure" and gave my Mom my race T-shirt and she loved and wore them often :):) She liked that her present helped other people (that's what kind of a person she was) it makes me happy to carry on the tradition.

With a lot of inspiration, I did a 9.4 minute-miles so not too bad for my old arthritic knees LOL

The weather held out so later FIL and me rode to DQ.
He's raring and ready to go!

He was definitely in the zone and was very happy to shake off the long cold winter

DQ had quite a few people and lots of bikes and people watching
(some watching us too LOL). The Ice cream hit the spot as always :)

FIL wanted to do "our ride loop" and off we went.
I kinda wonder how focused he is on riding and if he looks around.
And now I know with this behind the back shot :)

When we got back I saw the tail end of FIL doing a rolling dismount :eek::cool:
So we are in full swing now and it's going to be a great season.

I had to add this shot. On my way to Race for the Cure", I was driving through Minnehaha Park and the fog was just starting to lift over the valley after the Falls. I kinda like it

Thanks for Looking
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Great to see you out and about again. Getting my in-laws on bikes, may have to get some pics of them! :thumbsup:
Perfect Day for a Ride

Thanks Nagant and Luke! :)

Thanks Jerry, yeah we pretty much went right from snow (mid May)
to summer now (late May) LOL
I hope we have a long season to share too.

You'll have to get your own ice cream Nick :rofl:

So lately FIL has been enjoying getting outside more.
I've been over there a bit more to help out
and got his mower going and his lawn mowed last weekend.
He helped out when I could give instruction with hand signals
or I'd have to turn off the mower.

Anyway, When I was leaving, I said I be back later
and we would got to ride to DQ.
FIL says "Ride our bikes?" "Yes" "Good!!" .
My wife and me are finding that he is really looking forward to riding
at least as much at the DQ.
Sometimes he has talked about it without even mentioning DQ :eek::)

I came back later and my Wife called to him that I was there.
He came downstairs, I said Hi "FIL", he says "Hi Steve" and I just about fell over.
He has actually never called me by my name before :)
My Wife says she has been coaching him a bit, nice.

Beautiful day 70F and sunny.
We took off and FIL was loving the weather, "Just right" he said.

DQ was really busy:) and the owner, Jim recognized and said hi to FIL.
We had to take the car away about 4 years ago
and Jim still remembers FIL's twice daily trips to his DQ. :rolleyes:
Saw this nice Challenger while waiting in line

As we sat and had our IC, the woman of the couple next (in the photo) to us says
"I like your old Fixie"
I said thanks and it was a Pre WWII Shelby but it wasn't a fixie, just coaster,
I'm too old for those and we all laughed.
I commented on how nicely they outfitted their bikes
with wood fenders and some nice touring accessories

We finished up and took off on our route.
It was such a nice day (and such a long winter) I couldn't stop grinning.
I said to FIL that it was these kind of days are why were still living in MN.
He says "Right!"
FIL was really enjoying the ride (though you can't tell by his expression LOL)

After we got home he hung out with Poppy
and did his word finds outside, his other favorite thing to do.

We both really enjoyed the great day.
Thanks for looking
Yard Work and DQ go well together too

Thanks Nagant and Luke! :)

So a week ago last Sunday, FIL and me started working on his yard now. So we mowed the lawn first, Me on the back and FIL on the front (tag team action LOL)

Got FIL some work gloves and he likes to help and we also started cleaning up all the trees and brush that have been sprouting up all over the place :eek:

So FIL goes "If we do a good job, can we go to DQ?" Always the angle, LOL. I said that we would ride to DQ a little later in the afternoon. He says "Can we take our bikes?" Absolutely! I said (with a big smile)

So FIL was so ready to ride later and he took off like a shot

DQ tasted so good!!

On our ride by the river we saw a turkey vulture flying in circles above us :eek: LOL
I haven't seen turkey vultures in MN until this year (a few weeks before). I saw a lot of them when I worked at GM proving ground in Milford MI. They would circle then perch on the light post and stare at the new goslings, waiting... waiting... LOL. Sorry about the poor shot but it was on the fly

As we were cruising back through the neighborhood, I was trying to get a new shot angle (from the handlebars of the Eliminator). After the 3rd try, FIL must have been thinking, What the heck is he doing? Check out his expression LOL

Didn't really realize I looked like Johnny Bravo when I was riding "Hey!" LOL

So this last weekend, we did our continuing big cleanup on the yard before it started raining. Again FIL goes for the angle ""If we do a good job, can we go to DQ?" . Since it was only Saturday and we might not get a ride in on rainy Sunday, I said, "We'll see"... We worked hard on the lawn and it was definitively getting hot and sweaty. Had to get some stuff at the Hardware and Auto parts store anyway so I took him with and we stopped in for a DQ (first LOL) and it really hit the spot (sorry no pics) .

FIL thanked me for taking him with to do the running around and I think he likes to get out after being inside all winter. Sunday it rained off and on, and I switched out FIL and Poppy's breakfast with my wife. We didn't get a ride in but my Wife did get him some ice cream with his supper.

So we'll be back in a couple of weeks now that we're caught up. FIL has been a big help with getting his yard in shape and we may have to start taking multiple weekend trips to DQ on the weekend ;)

Thanks for Looking
Somehow I got 2 months behind on your FIL thread.
Glad to hear your StepSon is doing better! I'm looking forward to his build thread. Tell him that once he starts, I'll find some cool part or doodad to send him for his build.
Hard to believe it's been two years now. FIL's looking great. I see he added one of those fancy **** cushions to the top bar like that road bike.
Looks like winter is finally over up there. Have a fun summer. Thanks again for this thread.
GO FIL!!!!
Happy Father's (and FIL's) Day

Thanks Luke, Sweet Rewards go a long way in anybody's book;)
Good to hear you're still tuned in and enjoying Jerry :)
Thanks IIFIFM and Nagant!

Hey Kingfish, Yeah we finally have summer!
Thanks for the best wishes and offer for my Step Son. He is still doing Chemo every other month so it's still a bit tough but he's hanging in there. The "cushion" gives FIL a little more reassurance;) Thanks for checking in.:)

Wow Bike Bum, you've got more patience then me LOL. I'm glad FIL stories made your day:):)

So last Sunday, we had a really nice day to ride. Noticed that he wasn't sitting on his bike when we were taking off then he does a rolling mount :eek::cool: I was pretty surprised and he seemed pretty happy he pulled it off.

Anyway we were riding along and we heard a wail from the alley we were riding by :eek::eek:
We saw this little kid booking downhill out of the alley and just made the sidewalk turn. He starts pedaling even harder and starts wailing again just having the time of his life :thumbsup:.FIL looks at me and we both just cracked up laughing. I love seeing the craziness start early LOL. Barely got a shot as he whipped around the corner

Tried a little different angle today and not disturb the master at work LOL

When we left, FIL did another rolling start but this time had a funny look on his face. He mentions that "something" now hurts and I had to point out that the rolling start might not be the kindest to certain "parts" :rolleyes:. I may have to remind him of that next time.

As we were riding, I would hear this scraping every once in a while, then I noticed that FIL's toes would hit the ground as he pedaled. Not sure what's going on or how to teach him (in a way that he would remember every time) to put his feet a little farther back. I'll have to keep a watch on him to make sure he isn't going to wipe himself out or something. Check out the angle of his feet :eek:

We hung out in the backyard after getting back and he says "Guess we need to get the grass cut one of these days" which is his polite way of saying that it needs to be done. We hadn't got to it yet that weekend because of rain but my Wife had "a plan". After the same comment from FIL a few more times, I found out the plan was for FIL to do it later in the week. Well, FIL's comments weren't going to stop so we dug in and tag teamed the lawn (without a second trip to DQ LOL)

So Today was Father's Day and my Wife had some church deal, so I took FIL out for Breakfast. Everything took longer due to the the larger crowd but FIL held up pretty good except when he forgot that he ordered the French Toast :( (they didn't have waffles). After he had a few bits (with lots of syrup on them) he liked them and everything was fine.

As we are finishing up, FIL says, "I guess I better save some room for DQ". :confused::rolleyes: I told him that we would be riding to DQ later when the rain stopped and wind died down.

Unfortunately the 30mph wind gusts didn't die down but my Wife bought him cake and ice cream for later so he didn't suffer toooo much LOL. We'll get back on the road, but not next weekend due to vacation plans.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!
Thanks for looking
Happy Father's Day to you too. Looks like a good day.

Maybe it's time to jack the seat up a little on FILs bike. Looks like his knees are bent a little too much.
Hot Rides for Cool Treats

Thanks Kingfish, Nagant, and Luke! :)
I might be switching to every couple of weeks during the summer. There is so much going on and so much to get done, and I'm not doing such a steady weekly report.

Thanks for the input Nagant, Texas Dart, and Randy. I agree that the seat is probably too low for his leg strength but swinging his leg over it and his ability to stop flat footed is more important. I think that time he was trying to put more torque on it but he hasn't dragged his toes since though his feet are sometimes in the right place. I'll have to keep watching him...

~ a week ago, My Wife and me got back from VA Beach so FIL and me got our DQ trek in on Sunday (29Jun14). My (newer) camera bought the farm :banghead: so I used my cell phone (sorry about the quality).

FIL was happy to get out and it was ~78F and sunny :) DQ was hoppin' and we were happy.
FIL did great on the busy bike path and looked he really enjoyed the outing

Yesterday (Sunday 6Jul14) it was kinda hot, muggy, and windy (~90F). FIL seemed a little distant and responded a lot with "Uh Huh". When he really wanted to hear what I was saying, he leaned way in, so I think his hearing has been getting worse. I try to talk louder and I can see people looking over as I'm practically shouting :rolleyes:. He pushed on in the heat to DQ with no complaints as we were riding the mostly tree shaded streets. My old beater camera still worked with a smack to the case and no monitor but got slightly better pics

Tried a different angle because we were at the same bench eating again. Some times I think he thinks I'm kinda kooky (and he's right LOL). Our DQ's really hit the spot.

Last year he was really a trooper, even when in the heat, but yesterday I think it was getting to him. We did our typical 5 miler but he kept falling behind and I kept slowing down. We took a break in the shade and cooled off a bit and think that helped. Had him drink a tall glass of cold water when he got home and he seemed fine. Think if it's hot like that again, we may just head to DQ and head directly home again. It is supposed to be fun.

My SIL and J (JerimiahIsRad) are coming to town so I'm getting more bikes ready so they can all ride around with FIL. I'll ask if they can take some pics ;) Maybe I can get J to post them. :) And maybe we'll bring up the "hearing aid" issue again but its a tough one...

Thanks for looking
Thanks Schwinnray69, Luke and Nagant!:)

The busy summer is racing along. I had forgot to post with all the stuff going on. FIL is not suffering though. He has had plenty of action and treats with my SIL and great Nephew (JerimiahIsRad) in town visiting.

A couple of weeks ago we didn't get out for a ride but went to Little Guy's (Mag Ray) BDay party. It was quite the party with lots of food and games. FIL won a cake on the cake walk, I don't think he could have been much happier unless it would have come with ice cream (LOL)

Last Sunday, we were going to have a massive bike ride to DQ with the whole gang (my Niece (SIL's daughter) and her Son flew in too), but visiting relatives trumped so my Wife, SIL, and FIL rode our bikes to dinner with the promise do DQ afterward ;) The sisters were lollygagging (LOL)

Went to Longfellow grille and had good food. My SIL has got here Dad's photogenic style down pat (she was actually happy LOL)

When got all done, FIL was chomping the bit to get to DQ but the girls had to go somewhere. Not ready yet FIL, still have to unlock the bikes...

No not yet FIL, the girls are somewhere...

Luckily DQ is just a couple of block away and the owner (who still remembers him) gave FIL a monster medium sundae:eek::) The Eliminators look awesome together.

We lost the girls on the way home, I think they ride slower when they gibberjab LOL. It's great having the In-laws in town. FIL's getting to do a bunch a stuff now when they are in town (of which I have no pics,, sorry) like Mall of America shopping/rides, Local water park, and Como zoo today.

Thanks for Looking