Back in the Saddle
Thanks Luke, and away we go...
Yeah Jerry I heard about the 90's down there
Finally got to DQ on our bikes, YEAH!!
And FIL didn't skip a beat, amazing
Wanted to see how easy he flipped his leg over the bike and no problem

It still amazes me how he is such a natural rider
I complemented him on how well he was doing
and how all the shoveling last winter must have kept him in good shape.
He says "YEAH!" LOL
Biking is so good for his brain. He didn't say any of his standard lines and no repeats
So on our way to DQ we stopped by Longfellow park to see my Wife's church event.
She's been working on a Peeps diorama competition.
They were really funny and FIL enjoyed them too.
These were Doctor Who with Daleks "Exterminate!" LOL and the old woman who lived in a shoe
Had to post this one:
"Luke, you are my peep" LOL
Anyways, we got rolling again and it was just great!
Saw this guy on a cool bike riding with his kids.
His little boy was making car noises at the top of his lungs and shaking around like crazy .
Both his Dad and me couldn't stop laughing.

Had to give a shout out to him on how cool his bike was,
he said thanks and same to you
DQ tastes so much better when you ride there! FIL was pretty happy
He mentioned his hands got cold from the sundae
but still wanted to ride along the river like we usually do.
I was in the lead but he was really close behind me a lot,
then I'd shift the Eliminator and be too far ahead
Can't wait to gear my build off bike 56T to the same as his
so we can be in sync better
I was goofing around and taking an behind the back shot
and realize now how close he was booking down the hill

I have to remember to use the other arm to do these shots
We had a great ride and FIL did the very slow balance thing a few times, wow, he's good!
I think we're both looking forward to a full season of riding again.
Thanks for staying tuned these last 6 months
and hopefully we have lots of new adventures to share this spring/summer/fall.
It was a good day!
Thanks for looking