Belated Update
Sorry, fell off the grid for a while. Our good ole computer went down and it took us a long time to decide whether to fix something that worked well or "upgrade" to something that doesn't LOL. But now I'm back and swearing my way through windows 8.1 Arghhh!
You are right Luke, he is a character!
Thanks Jerry! sorry it's been so long.
Thanks a lot Dale! I'm glad you like it
Anyways, Life continued even without posting. We had gotten so many rainy Sundays during the summer that we didn't get much riding in. September was better and had a swing of really warm days and cooler days.
Perfect riding weather but as FIL says, There's Nothing to complain about LOL. The motivated look, on the way
He seems to be talking less (and repeating less

) when we are riding. I think he is enjoying it but his hearing is getting worse. So I wonder he is just riding behind or looking around at things. This behind the back shot shows him looking around and I wondered why he was lollygagging that day LOL. I'm really glad he was getting more input which helps clear his mind. It helps me too!
Cooled down in the middle of Sept but it was dry and the leaves weren't falling yet. He's hunkered down but still motivated by DQ!
The famous DQ shot. I had to get some more miles on my 56T and it paced well with FIL's bike.
Late Sep and FIL's Birthday fell on the same day as the Fall Ride. Really perfect weather and he seemed to have fun.
Action shoot through the dirt path
My Wife and FIL posing on the Stone Arch Bridge while we all hanging out and looking at each others bikes.
Another picture perfect day for the ride. It seems like we get lucky every year!
Relaxing during the bike contest. FIL voted for his bike again LOL
One more really warm day. and in October! One last ride in shorts and t-shirt, Yeah!!
Our DQ tasted especially good
As we were ready to leave DQ, I said it was a perfect day to ride our route by the river. FIL says "The only way it could be better was to stop at DQ on the way home (???!!!!) Oh well....
The leaves started dropping and I wanted to be more safe than sorry with the wet leaves being like ice so we started our winter Sundays eating out and DQ. Lots of Bdays and gatherings in October so less eating out but we started in again on cooler Sunday. FIL going for the fries first, just like my wife LOL
Had the heated seats going for FIL so he didn't get the shakes from eating his DQ so fast

My SisterInLaw (SIL) was in town and it was nice for her and FIL to hang out. Got over to Smashburger and FIL got his Strawberry Malt and ate all his food

Well we're all caught up. Now that I've got all the fall projects done and winter has arrived (below 32F and snow on the ground for 2 weeks in Nov??!! Arghhh!) I will try to keep up a little better. It looks like there was quite a few hits during my "break" so thanks Everybody for following along and being patient.
Thanks for Looking