Back in The Saddle
Sorry it’s been so long since I last posted. Lots of “life” going on.
Thanks Luke, yeah we were lucky for nice weather that early in the spring. I’m glad you’re still enjoying it J
Thanks Dale! I’m glad you got a kick out of FIL’s glove trick and that your Dad would do it too. Anything in the name of Ice Cream, Ha, Ha. I hadn’t heard about the email notices yet but I got a huge surprise when I started looking at the response form this post! Crazy, over a couple of thousand, I was kinda freaking out. I thought there were a core bunch of readers out there and I didn’t realize… I thank everybody now for tuning in J. I’ll try to keep it interesting and hopefully FIL can inspire a few more people to “Ride On!” as they get older (I know he does for me).
Thanks Jerry! Glad you’re enjoying. Yeah, I had heard you got a bit more winter down there too. Thank goodness spring always comes J
Hey Kevin, how are things in Chicago? Looking forward to coming there again this summer. I’ll have to check out the notice/email thing and get on board with quite a few other continuing posts. I tried once but it didn’t work so I’ll have to read the directions this time, Ha, Ha.
Thanks for the “likes” Rat Rod, Jerry, Randy, Luke, Nagant, and Skipton!!
Well, Photobucket is acting up right now so please excuse the funky shaped pictures.
Ok, so we got a bit more winter but the sun kept getting more intense and melting the snow and ice. One thing about colder days here is that they are awesomely sunny, yeah! FIL and me stopped off at DQ and he was too cold to sit outside so the car and the seat heaters worked well for him. In the background there is a woman almost losing her DQ to a hungry dog, Ha, Ha.
We took a nice drive around the Minneapolis Chain of Lakes. I used to live right by the lakes and I miss them, so it was good to visit and lots of people walking around them (just not in this pic). It was kinda cold and windy so not too many bikes.
No ice on the smaller part of Lake of the Isles but plenty on Lake Calhoun (the non-shiny part). FIL normally gets kinda bored but I could tell he liked getting out of the house.
There were some breakfast/supper swaps with my wife, timed with some colder weather and rain. My wife had the ice cream sandwiches ready to go.
Still kinda cold and windy in mid-April but sunny again. Got FIL out for DQ and warm enough to eat outside this time. The master at work, anyone thinking of close encounters?
Cruised around in the car and saw that people were getting their old cars out. Good to see!
Nice Studebaker
Always loved these Oldsmobiles, small and stylish
We took a short walk by the Mississippi and this crazy tree.
Late April and warming up, yeah! Got FIL out on the bike again and headed for DQ. He does amazingly well for such little practice.

I know he can’t hear me very well when we ride (most responses are “Uh-huh”) but his ears sure perk up when he hears a Harley. He’s always scopes them out from wherever the loud pipes are coming from.
You know, it’s so fun to watch so many different kind of people come and enjoy DQ. We had a great mix this day with: A young couple with 2 kids wandering around like ants hanging on to their DQs and speaking 2 year old gibberish. Two hipsters on their fixies (smiling?!) with one having a cool chrome Bianchi Pista, nice. Middle age couple out for a bike ride with full spandex and road bikes. Somali family laughing and eating the best of Americana treats. Older couple with their even older parent. Some Asian teenagers on skateboards. And of course FIL.
BTW: check out the new blizzard flavor, Salted Carmel Truffle, Rocking Good! (Not a paid advertisement Ha, Ha)
Had to practice my rolling selfies again…
I saw this woman next to the path fiddling with the pedals and asked if she needed help. She answered as we past that she did and it took about a quarter mile to relay to FIL that we were stopping and turning around. Her chain had fallen off and I quickly got her up and running again. She said we saved her a long walk home and that made me feel like “Bicycle Repairman” from Monty Python, Ha, Ha. And no, she didn’t have a big S on the front of her shirt.
FIL decided he wanted to take the outside position so I thought I’d try to get a different angle shot. Unfortunately a car came behind us quickly and honked at him… I don’t think he heard it and got him quickly and safely over. I like it when he shows more independence but I’ll have to pick and choose the place a little closer.
He kept thanking me and every time I’d “your welcomed” him so I think he had a good time.
So, Yesterday (Early May, Yeah!) we swapped out Saturday for Sunday due to stormy weather coming. It was ~75F and light wind. We took a “shortcut” through the park.
Can’t think of more perfect weather even if it’s above normal for early May. Asked FIL how he liked the ride and he said he like to trade in the bike for a motorcycle. I understand he misses his motorcycles (though he hasn’t had one since the 50’s). I said he was fortunate to have such cool motorcycles so he could still remember how fun they were. Some guy was walking by us pointed at FIL and said “cool bike”. I don’t think he heard so I told him about it louder and he said “Uh-huh”.

I guess we all get in a funk once in a while.
It was a picture perfect day and finally shorts and t shirt weather!
Busy at DQ and I’m happy for Jim the owner. He such a great guy. We waited at his line and FIL always likes that Jim knows him by name. I know he always gives FIL a heaping helping so that’s really cool. I haven’t told him about the thread yet but I guess I should.
A happy man!
More cool cars driving around, think this one is a Nash Metropolitan, take about subcompact!
This Corvair sounded great taking off
Got FIL cruising by this sweet T Bird
We headed out to the path and FIL does great with the busier traffic on the path, he never really gets flustered. I do enough worrying for both of us, LOL.
Well, we are starting to get out more often now so I’m going to post a little more frequently. It was a rainy Sunday today but it takes too long to write my mini novels, LOL. Maybe I’ll try to do a little less writing and more pics…
Thanks again everybody for looking