Re: First Ride in 50+ years: Washin',drivin',eatin'
Hey AJ, Turtle Bread is on 4205 East 34th Street in South Mpls (Longfellow Neighborhood)
There are several of them around but sorry, no donuts, but lots of other good treats and food though
IIFIFM, “duathlon” that’s super funny!!! Now I’ll have to think up something new other than walking and call it a triathalon, know he used to swim (but I’m a bad swimmer) and don’t want him to drown
I’m thinking about maybe playing air hockey or even pool but not sure.
Trying to get him to enjoy something enough to concentrate on it and get some physical activity too…
Thanks Kingfish! The thought of roller blades scares the crap out of me :lol:
Hey Nick, it’s funny how some people hate walking. I know it’s really different but sheesh! :lol:
With my arthritis, I have to rotate between riding, walking, elliptical, and running
so I don’t take out my knees again rolling eyes, so I HAVE to walk now…
It is kinda slow and more boring…
Youthgeye, you guys and your skate suggestions, I’m not purposely trying to have him fall :lol:
Thanks Buckfiddy. The entire thread?! Hopefully it was a pretty fast read.
Glad you like it.

Stay tuned…
No walking last Sunday, didn’t feel like hearing the excuses
Had him help me with a few chores instead
Parked my car outside for only about an hour and a flock of birds seriously pooped all over it :shock:
So we went to the car wash, they did a really nice job on it
FIL liked the new car especially the heated seats and backup camera
We filled the tank then headed for Peace Coffee Shop
Wonder what the guy, with the surprised look, was supposed to be doing, other than slackin' at the coffee shop :lol:
Nice place and staff. If you buy the non-fancy coffee (but good tasting) it’s bottomless (buzzzzzzz)
We had some double chocolate cookies (Mmmm!) and FIL had hot chocolate too
FIL asked if his hot chocolate was bottomless and I said sorry, no. He knows but he tries :lol:
Sat and looked around. He remembered the store across the street being open years ago
He says “People forget that it costs money to drive to the big grocery stores”
Must be kinda tough to see some of the smaller businesses shut down (where you knew the owners)
Interesting to see even the bigger business chains shut down due to online sales now
His change and now mine…
Saw this cool light fixture made out of old rims. I guess they are big into “reuse”
FIl all sugared up, notice the smile on his face now :lol:
Showed FIL how all the bikes outside had skinny tirez in the winter
Said because the hipster kids are trying to be super cool, he laughed
I mean “good for them” to ride that way, it’s definitely a skill but just a wipeout away
I just heal too slow to do that anymore :lol:
Next week maybe we’ll go to Fireroast Mountian Coffee shop
It’s basically around the corner from his house, then maybe after he’s all sugared up,
we’ll walk the same route as he takes the dog (about only 1 mile) whether he likes it or not :lol:
Think we both had a pretty good time, and FIL enjoyed walking less
Thanks for Looking