Hey Two Spot, Glad you like the pics and they trigger some nostalgia for you
Don't blame you for leaving the winters behind, especially for health reasons
St Paul Boy eh? Me too, I was born and raised in Como Park
I converted to a Mpls fan when I got bar-going age
and the best music venues where in Mpls (back in the day...)
Thanks for the info on that BMX bike Justin
Yeah the tires was really meaty

It said "Motul" on the frame and "... Trial" on the HD fork (?)
Yeah Jerry, Mmmmm!
It had been cloudy and windy most of the week before
So I picked up FIL a little earlier to check out the Mpls Lake chain
And try a new burger place over there
I really miss the beauty of the lakes (near Uptown where I used to live)
Lake Harriet had some ice on the south end
but on the northside, with the wind, it was still open. Awesome sunset
FIL came down to the shore with me and hung out but he was kinda cold
Drove just a bit north to south end of Lake Calhoun
FIL sat this one out while I was trying to get the ice and the sky lighting up
He usually people-watches while I'm goofing around
And we saw several dozen people walking, running, riding
Went around Calhoun and up to Lake of the Isles
FIL looked comfy in the warm car and heated seat, so I said I'd be back in a minute
Lake of the Isle had a full thin film of ice across it and looked great
Then it got dark and we were getting hungry
We went a few block to Burger Jones, for the first time
It was okay but we didn't take advantage of the many burger extras
The space was nice but not not really as fun
At the end of the meal FIL went to the restroom
I kinda kept an eye out for him so he would know where I was
It's a smaller restaurant but he still got confused when he was done
Wanted to give him some space so not to guess that he couldn't
But went over and got him so he wouldn't be wondering
No Malt (just forgot?!) so FIL asked about DQ (like he needed that excuse LOL)
We stopped by DQ but now it's closed for the season
Went and got some chocolate chip cookies instead
Think we both had a good time
Thanks for looking