Keep looking! Don't blow your whole budget on a parts bike. Stuff shows up cheap all the time, but you've gotta be patient. Check thrift stores, Salvation Army, Goodwill too. Until you find what you need in a parts bike, why not concentrate on learning the mechanics of the Columbia, taking it apart, greasing bearings, etc. Once you've got it apart, you could start working on the frame, if you're planning on painting it, start sanding away the rust, and all that. I just don't want to see you waste $80 on a parts bike when they're out there cheap. You should save that money for your next project bike!!! Oh, and it will say on the tires what size they are. The term 26" bike just means that it has 26" tires on it. If it's a 24, the same suggestions still apply, but you may have to get new wheels and tires...