Wow! six pages? This site really is helpful. Ok, so after careful consideration, here is my advice. First the wish list, you want a cruiser, a ladies frame, frame with tank, something old and crusted, and you want it on the road asap.And you don't want to sink a wad of cash into it. Ok, not bad, common stuff really. Next, the roadblocks, and I don't mean any insult or offense.

Not a very large budget after the columbia sale, not a lot of tech knowledge on dis and re-assmebly, limited area you can travel to, limited tools, and not a lot of selection to choose from. Still not too bad of a situation. Now, here is what I have come up with, buy the cruiser from walmart, some stores do assembly(I know I know most of them don't kow what to do ) When you buy it, ask to hang around when they put it togther, so you can get a hands on feel for what belongs where. Ok, take your bike home and ride it, try to firgure out the faults are and what you can think of to remedy them. Start slow, and get some new handle bars and grips, put them on yourself, then some new tires(wide whites) and put them on yourself. Now you know how to take the wheels off, buy some fenders and install them. To me, thats a pretty cool bike to start with. Then you can add a springer, a new seat, a rack and basket, lights, nothing you can't do. You just have to learn is all. Little by little dude, plus you live in Maine, so heres a tip for some free rust, sand the paint off and leave it outside.j-k. As for a tank, shoooooot hit the classifieds on this site, somebody always has one. Moral of the story, no matter what bike you buy, add your personality to it, and enjoy the process.